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Polly & Ray Part #1

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20 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

If it were legal then yesterday James would have defended their right to do it. Don't feel bad Zoifan. Keeping VH clean is good thing in the long run if you care about it. 

Yeah, James' reply will be along the lines of, "What? Is it illegal to give money to someone????!  I spoke to the manager and he says that this very young girl is not a prostitute, so it's his responsibility. We just provide the platform and if people want to give us money to watch young girls receive money after having sexual relations with men then it is up to them. P.S. the manager says she's not a prostitute and streaming what is going on there is not my responsibility, we're good, yeah?"

In a couple of days there will be an update from VH; "Dear subscribers that give us money to watch definitely-not-prostitution, we have taken your feedback onboard!  We now require that all monetary transactions happen off cam. We hope this solves the issue but once again state that the manager said this young girl is not a prostitute and it is not our responsibility.  Thanks!!  P.S.  We are changing our name to Not-Whore-House-TV as this better reflects our future business direction.  Thanks!!"

I can't see VH lasting much longer.

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9 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

you guys are so fixated on how horrible vh is you should really be watching something else. i think the disney channel has something on!


That girl is no older than 19 and as has been proven is receiving money for sexual services but your issue is with those of us that have an issue with that and not the actual teenage prostitution?

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16 minutes ago, Maturin said:

That girl is no older than 19 and as has been proven is receiving money for sexual services but your issue is with those of us that have an issue with that and not the actual teenage prostitution?

my issue is that i want to watch the apts & have fun. you on the other hand don't seem to want that. and 19 is a legal age & what she wants to do with her life is her business. so if you want to be a moralist why don't you go somewhere that someone wants to be preached to like church. your complaining is a pain in my ass. keep it up & you will be chatting about nothing as vh will probably wind up closing the forum the way that camarads did. they'll screen every post & you'll be deleted. wait. maybe that is what should happen. now, i'll say it again. if you are so offended by the site DON'T WATCH IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

my issue is that i want to watch the apts & have fun. you on the other hand don't seem to want that. and 19 is a legal age & what she wants to do with her life is her business. so if you want to be a moralist why don't you go somewhere that someone wants to be preached to like church. your complainting is a pain in my ass. keep it up & you will be chatting about nothing as vh will probnably wind up closing the forum the way that camarads did. they'll screen every post & you'll be deleted. wait. maybe that is what should happen. now, i'll say it again. if you are so offended by the site DON'T WATCH IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you blatantly weren't getting off on teenage prostitution then you wouldn't be so vocal in trying to stop people complaining about it. Just saying...

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Just now, Maturin said:

If you blatantly weren't getting off on teenage prostitution then you wouldn't be so vocal in trying to stop people complaining about it. Just saying...

and if you actually had a life you would live it & not wait with baited breath for my or anyone elses comments. if you think that it is somehow illegal why not call the siberian police? your opinion is boring & your comments have been heard 1,000 times already. if vh is doing something ilegal they'll be kicked off the net & then you can complain about something else to someone that cares. oh that's right . nobody does!

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

and if you actually had a life you would live it & not wait with baited breath for my or anyone elses comments. if you think that it is somehow illegal why not call the siberian police? your opinion is boring & your comments have been heard 1,000 times already. if vh is doing something ilegal they'll be kicked off the net & then you can complain about something else to someone that cares. oh that's right . nobody does!

We've read your comments 1000 times - "If you don't like it go somewhere else"

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To me it sounded like James little investigation wasn't very thorough. VH better be careful cause they could be complicit if the police find out that she really is a hooker. Worth the risk? Don't think so. 

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

and if you actually had a life you would live it & not wait with baited breath for my or anyone elses comments. if you think that it is somehow illegal why not call the siberian police? your opinion is boring & your comments have been heard 1,000 times already. if vh is doing something ilegal they'll be kicked off the net & then you can complain about something else to someone that cares. oh that's right . nobody does!

Being told I have no life by a bloke that is telling people to stop complaining about his enjoyment of watching teenage prostitutes, haha a new low for CamCaps!!

But yeah, well said. Way to take a stand man. Standing up for the right to watch teenage prostitution in peace. Way to go dude. What a stand up guy you are.

Fine, I'll look into reporting the crime of prostitution and making a monetary gain by streaming it in Russia then.  I'll keep you updated.

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