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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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2 minutes ago, sigfried said:

all teens i think, have you noticed the new ads for iphone and samsung, all they show are teens taking selfies or vids of their friends. to them that's all they seem to care about.



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4 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I do think they might've taken in on a hotel room in such circumstances, but the part about RLC being involved seems unlogical to me.

I don't see RLC doing something that would encourage them to do shit off cam that is not well thought out now is it

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19 minutes ago, Fagen said:

Would you like to see b1 back? Was it a good apartment? It seemed kinda small to me but I only saw the livingroom and kitchen back then on free cam, dont know how the other rooms were.

I loved B1 and the atmosphere was often fantastic:

Ilona, Irma, Anna

Irma, Ilona, Polya, Stella

Anna, Belle, Polya, Stella

Nora, Irma, Jessica, Nicole

The Twins, Irma, Stella

Renata, Regina, Sher, Theresa

italics indicate not all the time though LOL


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1 minute ago, EMMETT111 said:

I don't see RLC doing something that would encourage them to do shit off cam that is not well thought out now is it

Not a lot of thought gets put in a lot of these comments Emmet,,,,why would RLC ever make it's tenants do shit away from the cameras that would in turn not make them any money.

If they could they would always make the girls stay home,,the more they are home,,the more people watch,the more new subscribers and the more money from Replay.

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2 minutes ago, Fagen said:

They must have left a door open or something, I saw it went out in the hall but cant find it now.

When they went out to jump in the pool. Cats are always coming through the kitchen door

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