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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (May 2018)

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3 minutes ago, timber said:

That was unpleasant.

I think Adri has been a really good tenant other than stuff like this, but the obviously fake lesbian shows are disappointing. Do whatever you're comfortable doing. Don't pretend to do things you aren't comfortable doing. They're happening far, far too often recently.

I'm glad I didn't watch it then, I watch the GOV's less and less, but one of the only things I find worth watching in B4, were actually Adri's bates, so I hope she doesn't ruin that by making more stupid silly shows.

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23 minutes ago, timber said:

Eso fue desagradable.

Creo que Adri ha sido un inquilino realmente bueno además de cosas como esta, pero los shows de lesbianas obviamente falsos son decepcionantes. Haz lo que sea que te sientas cómodo haciendo. No pretendas hacer cosas con las que no te sientas cómodo. Están sucediendo muy, muy a menudo recientemente.

Change the chip, and I recommend you to see the houses of couples. You will be happier

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21 minutes ago, timber said:

That was unpleasant.

I think Adri has been a really good tenant other than stuff like this, but the obviously fake lesbian shows are disappointing. Do whatever you're comfortable doing. Don't pretend to do things you aren't comfortable doing. They're happening far, far too often recently.

This was more disappointing than Liverpool losing the Champions League final tonight!!. I try not to post negative stuff on here if I can help it but that show tonight was verging on pathetic...I need to escape from RLC for a little while I think...

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Many, it seems that they have not realized yet, that the houses of Barcelona, B2 and B4, before B1, have been houses assembled to see and enjoy a kind of show, girls with girls game ...
Who does not like it, you can enjoy many couples houses where there are great shows.

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