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Jane & Dick General Chat #1

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Dick and Jane returned late last night

 Her little live in friend took who I described as he BF off camera into the hallway half bath before going to bed. Dick have her a big hug in the kitchen prior. (Affection w/o intimacy) 

She and the male guest spent several minutes there Dick came by during and placed 2 pieces of bubble wrap on the floor outside the door,( as a prank) then came back to listen at the door for a brief moment before going to bed. She and the man came out went  into the guest room for a couple mins before he went into the LR, she gave him a hug and he retires to the sofa. Katia/Lola whatever we are calling her is handling her business off camera.

My guess is she is a (private) dancer" and does not want to be seen dancing on camera.

Now we know.  The mystery of where they all where for 4 days is anyones guess. I bet she is a great dancer...

Edited by charliefoxx69
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4 minutes ago, charliefoxx69 said:

Love this...finally. What we were  watching to see...will they go all in and take it to the next level..he did hand her a condom in the bedroom..earlier..

Wich seem weird unless she is going out to fuck some other guy 😉

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