moreau Posted September 24, 2018 Posted September 24, 2018 Poutine devrait interdire la mousse dans les baignoires ......surtout chez Éva
nadiuska Posted September 24, 2018 Posted September 24, 2018 Insime in cucina, parlano...... Lui sembra più serio, preoccupato.Eva secondo me fasciata nel suo accappatoio lo vuole mettere all'angolo... Lei ha la palla in mano, lui vuole scopare, lei vuole amore: non è lo stesso: E allora lei lo lascia masturbare. Non so come finirà stasera, vedremo
nadiuska Posted September 24, 2018 Posted September 24, 2018 In bagno Eva è eccitata, capezzoli belli duri,Mostra a Sam delle foto di situazioni di sesso, vediamo..... 1
moreau Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 On 9/24/2018 at 12:23 AM, piedpiper1968 said: 0320 - Eva in the bedroom on her mobile device and Sam stroking his cock in the kitchen. I am confused by this couple's relationship. Are they really just best friends. Expand this couple is dead there remains only the respect and friendship .. sometimes a hug an embrace or a deep look or even a sexual urge mutual we will make believe the return of the love .... their union continues thanks to the advantages RLC but when everyone will have financial independence (end of studies for éva) the couple will separate out of our eyes ..... it is only my impression .... but may not be the truth ce couple est mort il ne reste que le respect et amitié ..parfois une accolade un enlacement ou un regard profond ou meme une pulsion sexuelle mutuelle nous ferons croire au retour de l ' amour ....leur union perdure grace aux avantages RLC mais quand chacun aura sont indépendance financière (fin des études pour éva ) le couple se séparera hors de nos regards .....ce n ' est que mon impression ....mais peut etre pas la vérité
piedpiper1968 Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 On 9/26/2018 at 12:43 AM, moreau said: this couple is dead there remains only the respect and friendship .. sometimes a hug an embrace or a deep look or even a sexual urge mutual we will make believe the return of the love .... their union continues thanks to the advantages RLC but when everyone will have financial independence (end of studies for éva) the couple will separate out of our eyes ..... it is only my impression .... but may not be the truth ce couple est mort il ne reste que le respect et amitié ..parfois une accolade un enlacement ou un regard profond ou meme une pulsion sexuelle mutuelle nous ferons croire au retour de l ' amour ....leur union perdure grace aux avantages RLC mais quand chacun aura sont indépendance financière (fin des études pour éva ) le couple se séparera hors de nos regards .....ce n ' est que mon impression ....mais peut etre pas la vérité Expand Your thoughts are understood, but these two have a little more at stake as they are actually husband and wife. 1
moreau Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 I have signed 2 times for weddings and 2 times for divorces with children .... the status of a couple is only a signature
nadiuska Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 Non credo sia finita, Eva penso che in questo momento sia in vantaggio, lei vuole che Sam cambi e ci sta provando.Dopo avere assecondato tutti i suoi desideri, o quasi,aspetta e vuole più rispetto, più dolcezza . Lui non sa cosa fare, spera solo di riuscire ad avvicinarsi a letto a lei perchè Eva quando lui la coccola e si fa toccare la pussy diventa più arrendevole .Ma questa volta Eva sembra decisa più del solito, in passato gli ha permesso di divertirsi in trio con amiche come voleva, ora tocca a lui cambiare e fare la prima mossa giusta. Lei sa come stuzzicarlo, lo abbiamo già visto. E qualche giorno di digiuno sessaule ci è già stato negli ultimi mesi.Ovviamente è una mia opinione 1
nadiuska Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 Si sono svegliati, Sam sì è cambiato , tipico impiegato. Lei si è alzato,lo ha raggiunto in cucina ma clima freddo:Prima di uscire lei ho ha chiamato sul balcone, hanno parlato, poi sulla porta del balcone bacio sulla guancia. La guerra continua, clima gelido 1
moreau Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 she kissed him with her tongue into her stomach .. she opened her bathrobe to show him her dream body ..... it remained marble without reaction to his advances ..... a cigarette on the balcony ... and bye and see you next time elle l ' a embrassé avec sa langue jusque dans l ' estomac ..elle a ouvert son peignoir pour lui montrer son corps de rêve .....lui est resté de marbre sans réaction à ses avances .....une cigarette sur le balcon au revoir et à la prochaine
moreau Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 On 9/26/2018 at 6:52 AM, moreau said: she kissed him with her tongue into her stomach .. she opened her bathrobe to show him her dream body ..... it remained marble without reaction to his advances ..... a cigarette on the balcony ... and bye and see you next time elle l ' a embrassé avec sa langue jusque dans l ' estomac ..elle a ouvert son peignoir pour lui montrer son corps de rêve .....lui est resté de marbre sans réaction à ses avances .....une cigarette sur le balcon au revoir et à la prochaine Expand ma langue d ' origine est en français et je traduis en anglais si vous voulez retraduire dans une autre langue (italien ,espagnole ou autre) prenez le français cela évite une double traduction souvent incompréhensible et incohérente 1
moreau Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 Eva has no energy today as often .... she is all soft as the dick in Baldi éva a aucune énergie aujourd’hui comme souvent ....elle est toute molle comme la bite à Baldi 1
moreau Posted September 26, 2018 Posted September 26, 2018 super when eva sings with his guitar ... a false note the dishes that drag on the table and in the sink super quand Éva chante avec sa guitare ...une fausse note la vaisselle qui traîne sur la table et dans l ' évier
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