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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic September #2 / October

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1 hour ago, Noldus said:

what??? 😏

put in the trash the first 30 pages .... and send you with shovels and buckets in a sandbox .... without falling into philosophy you could not raise the level of your words ... for the moment you piss off the line of writing

mettre à la poubelle les 30 premières pages ....et vous envoyer avec des pelles et des seaux dans un bac à sable ....sans tomber dans la philosophie vous pourriez pas  relever le niveau de vos propos ...pour l ' instant vous pissez de la ligne d ' écriture

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Lord please help me understand the mentality of the people on this forum.  I read where people are wondering what Irma was doing out of camera view.  I read where the cam placement of the new refurbished B1 was excellent.  I read and I read but none of it makes any sense.  Apparently Irma is a cam girl....go figure.  Apparently the cam placement isn't any better than it used to be.....go figure.  Apparently the people on this forum are still as gullible as they always have been......go figure.

B1 is a great apartment for voyeurs but the cast sucks!!  

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Can anyone tell me what the purpose of Anna and Rose showing up in B1 with suitcases was???  Noldus...oh knowing one.  What was the purpose of them showing up?  Does RLC have a big brothel where all these girls stay in Barcelona for when they are not on RLC or traveling??  Enquiring minds want to know!!

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