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Melissa & Sergio

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3 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Хорошо, вот так. Джингл для Southwest Airlines, и он настроен на древнюю песню, О, мой милый Клементин. Сначала слушайте 15 секунд. 

... и это немного похоже на это ...

Southwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, здесь мы идем, я был связан с семьей, теперь я летаю на Southwest Airlines, здесь мы идем. 

Я разбил их им, но я не получил ответа. Полагаю, я мог просто изменить название авиакомпании и продолжать пытаться, но, увы, я отказался от нее. 

Теперь вы будете петь это для своей собственной родной авиакомпании с этого дня. 😊


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4 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Ok, here goes. The jingle is for Southwest Airlines and it's set to the ancient song, Oh my darling Clementine. Listen for 15 seconds first. 

...and it goes a little something like this...

Southwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines here we go, I was home bound, now I'm flying Southwest Airlines here we go. 

I pitched it to them, but I got no response. I suppose I could just change the airline name and keep trying, but alas, I gave up it up. 

Now, you'll be singing that for your own hometown airline from this day forward. 😊

Hi Amy, thanks a lot, that got Happy Trails out of my head someone posted earlier somewhere. Now I got this stuck in my head!! I dont know which is worse, and it's got SW airlines in it!!!

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11 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

You got me, again! Just didn't seem like a tone a woman would use. Purely a guess on my part. 

You should be a PI! 😎

Oh, I wasn't trying to "get you". I forgot the smiley face. 😊 I just thought
"dear friends" sounded more like Melissa, than Sergio.

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