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B3 Amanda & Pablo, Jenn & Frank - General Topic December #1

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2 hours ago, cheesehead51 said:

Thanks,  it looks like Jenn is still not giving up trying to get Frank going but she's going to fail.  I know Amanda and Pablo are leaving today but that still doesn't explain why Jenn wants to fuck next to Sera.  You know if she succeeds in getting Frank going Sera will wake up.

btw I ate lots of pizza, drank 7 cans of beer and walked away with $172 profit in my pocket.  Not too bad for just over 4 hours


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Amanda and her amazing ass is leaving us. Oh, and Pablo too.😎

Seriously, really cool couple Amanda you opened up (alot) during your stay and were a little more than the girl next door.

Pablo I agree with what Adam/Naga said about you. You were a gentleman around all the girls and treat Amanda like a queen. I am sure you would have liked to have massaged more than just Irma too. Best wishes, safe travels and Merry Christmas to you. 

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2 minutes ago, cheesehead51 said:

Why is Amanda cleaning the kitchen?  Doesn't she know Sera is going to be pissed at that when she gets up?  Takes all her fun away

Its what she does.. she hates to see a mess for too long...

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Just now, cheesehead51 said:

I was BS'ing Adam.  Guess I should have used one of these😁

Lol.. i know dude.. no worries... However.. when Sera was cleaning the kitchen at B1,, daaaayum it was like a severe deeeeeep clean  (the fridge).. who knows what she may get up to in B3 if Jenn and Frank don't keep on top of the cleaning here..:undecided:... Amanda is/was cleaning queen for sure..

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Just now, adamneve said:

Lol.. i know dude.. no worries... However.. when Sera was cleaning the kitchen at B1,, daaaayum it was like a severe deeeeeep clean  (the fridge).. who knows what she may get up to in B3 if Jenn and Frank don't keep on top of the cleaning here..:undecided:... Amanda is/was cleaning queen for sure..

You got that right.  She will probably have lots of opportunity to clean B3 because I think she's going to spend more and more time there and Jenn doesn't appear to be a clean freak at all.  

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