nadiuska Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 Io ho REPLAY vado a vedere e rivedere i filmati.... A me sembra che Eva questo fine settimana abbia fatto una cosa straordinaria, cioè eccitare Sam al top e sopratutto fargli vedere che lei a gambe aperte si era fotografata e aveva spedito le foto qualcuno... non so se Sam stesso ( che da qualche settimana sin sta facendo una galleria di Eva consenziente in pose hot) poi Eva ha lasciato la casa e Sam, stranamente non ha scopato subito... e sfortunatamente alla ragazza sono arrivate le mestruazioni... Eva comunque glia ha mostrato, offerto, in varie situazioni il culo in primo piano....lui non si è mai azzardato a toccargli il buchetto... ???? perchè? alle sue amiche ha sempre cercato di fare anale.... e inoltre, perchè Sam usa il condom con Eva ?:::
nadiuska Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 Altra considerazione, Sam per quanto ner so (ho il replay)n una volta ha fatto anale con Eva... Poin ha usato plug con coda di volpee, Eva ha provato da sola il dildo gigante con l'anello nerpo, sotto le coperte senza crema ha provato tante volte ad appoggiarlo.... ma perchè quando fa sesso non ci prova? forse perchè Eva lo ha già stuzzicato tante volte ma lu non ha l'erezione giusta e si vergogna ? ? ( troppo emozionato ? boh)
sisco813 Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 EVA💖 tu es tres belle et merci pour ce beau spectacle dans le bain
sisco813 Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 EVA💖 tu veux pas aller dans la chambre c est beaucoup mieux
miscvoyeur Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 Eva is literally the only girl on any of the voyeur sites that I could watch masturbating.
miscvoyeur Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 Eva and Sam about to have sex in the hall. Part of me finds this incredibly sexy and have always wanted to see them fuck in the hall, but the other part is a little disappointed because there's no mic in the hall and hearing the sounds and moans is really the best part of watching sex, in my opinion. Now the last place for them to fuck is on the balcony. We have yet to see that and is the last place in the house that they haven't done it in. 1
miscvoyeur Posted February 4, 2019 Posted February 4, 2019 They moved to the bedroom and is now at a bad angle.
piedpiper1968 Posted February 5, 2019 Posted February 5, 2019 6 hours ago, miscvoyeur said: Eva is literally the only girl on any of the voyeur sites that I could watch masturbating. You like her and I can see why. I enjoy watching Anabel. Love her labia.
miscvoyeur Posted February 5, 2019 Posted February 5, 2019 4 hours ago, piedpiper1968 said: You like her and I can see why. I enjoy watching Anabel. Love her labia. I'll be perfectly honest. I spend a good portion of my time watching VH. There's a lot more going on there and I've seen all kinds of things happen there: all kinds of threesomes, foursomes, couples swapping partners, various orgies, girls who have fucked two different guys in one night, and all kinds of scandals and people trying to cheat on their partners. As far as crazy action that keeps me glued to the screen, I'm more likely to find it on VH. As far as RLC goes, the couples tend to be a lot more vanilla so I don't really pay much attention to them. In fact I only really follow two couples on RLC: Jane/Dick and Eva/Sam since they are the only two open couples here. But as far women go, there's just something really special that I find in Eva. She has that perfect blend of sexuality, personality and mysteriousness that I find totally captivating. She can tease the cam in that naughty playful manor, she's down for real exhibitionist fun like the time her and Sam had sex with Masha Sasha and Baldy walking around them, even though it was undercover (it was still really hot to watch), and I like that she's creative and into the arts (a personal preference because I've studied music and have a degree in it). She's soft and confident at the same time and of course it doesn't hurt that I think she's the most physically sexiest girl between RLC and VH. Sam and Eva don't even have as much sex as most couples on RLC and they pale in comparison to some of the crazier shit you're likely to see on VH but as far as couples that 100% hold my interest and that I'm a fan of, Sam and Eva have everyone beat. I still want to see them meet Jane and Dick even if the chances are slim at best. I'm dying to know what would happen when the only two open couples on RLC meet each other. The time when Eva/Sam visited Masha/Sasha/Dasha was literally the most interesting and exciting period in RLC last year even if it wound up being disappointing in the end. 2
sisco813 Posted February 5, 2019 Posted February 5, 2019 Eva merci pour ce joli moment tu es tres sexy et encore plus quand tu portes de la lingerie
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