zzakary Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/7/2019 at 9:57 AM, moos54 said: Cela n'a en rien à voir avec RLC, moi je te parles des participants au projet La plupart du temps je trouves tes liens pertinent, enfin quand tu comprends vraiment ce qu'il ce passe ^^ Sinon cela reste simplement ton interprétation qui est loin d'être juste tout le temps 😉 Surtout si je te comprends bien, tu pars du principe que les participants n'ont pas de libre arbitre et qu'ils ne sont libre de ne rien faire sans l'aval du tout puissant RLC, encore heureux que non 😉 Expand S-moos,n'hesite pas a relire la 2e ligne,ca t'apprendras un peu l'humilité que tu devrais avoir de temps en temps avant de poster sur CC...
moos54 Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/8/2019 at 8:10 AM, zzakary said: S-moos,n'hesite pas a relire la 2e ligne,ca t'apprendras un peu l'humilité que tu devrais avoir de temps en temps avant de poster sur CC... Expand Je vois pas trop pourquoi il faudrait être humble, en fait il faut déjà aussi avoir un peu d'humour pour comprendre Mais cela n'en est pas moins vrai, tu peux mettre autant de liens que tu veux et mettre ton ressentie, mais si tu es hors sujet sur tes propos, cela a beaucoup moins d'impact Sinon tu la déjà dit hier, pas besoin de le répéter tout les jours 😉
zzakary Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/8/2019 at 8:24 AM, moos54 said: Je vois pas trop pourquoi il faudrait être humble, en fait il faut déjà aussi avoir un peu d'humour pour comprendre Mais cela n'en est pas moins vrai, tu peux mettre autant de liens que tu veux et mettre ton ressentie, mais si tu es hors sujet sur tes propos, cela a beaucoup moins d'impact Sinon tu la déjà dit hier, pas besoin de le répéter tout les jours 😉 Expand De l'humour,j'ai ai un peu,du second degré beaucoup,et grace a toi j'ai bien rit sur ta grosse boulette avec "DOE EYE" sur le topic de Nina & Kira,merci a toi S-moos...
moos54 Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/8/2019 at 8:31 AM, zzakary said: De l'humour,j'ai ai un peu,du second degré beaucoup,et grace a toi j'ai bien rit sur ta grosse boulette avec "DOE EYE" sur le topic de Nina & Kira,merci a toi S-moos... Expand Bah moi je ris pas mal aussi quand tu vois qu'il n'y a pas de boulette ^^
zzakary Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 On 2/8/2019 at 8:40 AM, moos54 said: Bah moi je ris pas mal aussi quand tu vois qu'il n'y a pas de boulette ^^ Expand Si,si il y a boulette,mais de ma part... 1
moos54 Posted February 9, 2019 Posted February 9, 2019 On 2/9/2019 at 3:42 PM, esanders9863 said: Can someone tell me is there any type of body language from her to indicate she may be in the move for bating because it's extremely hard to figure her out, at one point I was assuming the way she was sitting down on the couch she was possibly getting in the mood but that was wrong as she got up and went to her piano so if anyone knows please let me know because to me and it's just me it feels that she's so unsexual it's like seeing a Catholic / Mormon / Amish girl when I see her Expand yesterday she had a dick in her mouth, not so much Catholic/ Mormon/ Amish girl 😂
Thestarider Posted February 9, 2019 Posted February 9, 2019 On 2/9/2019 at 4:09 PM, moos54 said: yesterday she had a dick in her mouth, not so much Catholic/ Mormon/ Amish girl 😂 Expand LOL moos, Last I checked Catholic girls do in suck dick really well, and the Mormon girls suck many dicks behind closed doors, and of course when we speak of the Amish, we all know why the horses are so happy !!!! 😉😎 1
esanders6969 Posted February 9, 2019 Posted February 9, 2019 On 2/9/2019 at 4:26 PM, Thestarider said: LOL moos, Last I checked Catholic girls do in suck dick really well, and the Mormon girls suck many dicks behind closed doors, and of course when we speak of the Amish, we all know why the horses are so happy !!!! 😉😎 Expand Of course she has sex with her husband and I know she masturbates but my only question is tell me her body language when she's about to masturbate because it's hard to tell when it's done so infrequently
moos54 Posted February 9, 2019 Posted February 9, 2019 On 2/9/2019 at 4:45 PM, esanders9863 said: Of course she has sex with her husband and I know she masturbates but my only question is tell me her body language when she's about to masturbate because it's hard to tell when it's done so infrequently Expand Usually when she takes off her panties and she puts fingers, we can say that she masturbates 😉 She does not masturbate so often, as she makes love with Robert almost every day
Fagen Posted February 10, 2019 Posted February 10, 2019 On 2/9/2019 at 7:32 PM, esanders9863 said: I just have to say unless everyone's waiting to see a nude guy having sex with her you are wasting your time waiting on her because I hung in there only to go nowhere but under the covers and you can say what you want about me, but it does not change the fact that this girl is so boring and they have the nerve to only make the kitchen free oh my God every room in this apartment should be free. Expand Thats how it is in most apartments, 1 free cam in kitchen or livingroom. Lana is a very pretty girl, I like her a lot.
Egide Posted February 10, 2019 Posted February 10, 2019 What is she doing just now ? It seems like she's having a video chat in the gest room but she put a big screen behind her.
Fagen Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 They changed cam 8 in the bedroom, it is now put in the corner further away instead of the close up view of the bed 😞 So only cam 7 is filming close now. They should have put one more camera in the room instead and kept the old one.
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