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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #5

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4 hours ago, Pepe said:

I just looked in on our Goddess is sitting in the guest room with no panties so not sure what you saw. 

Well what happened I woke up briefly and I checked in to see what's happening and to my surprise she was sitting on the couch at the time with no panties on but the dog was bugging her so much for affection that's when she got up from the couch went to the bedroom and put her panties back on and after that I went back to bed so what probably happened she probably later taking them back off and that's when you checked in when she was in the guest room but all I know I must have missed a lot when I was asleep

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 Tis a new day with Leora sharing a lovely view with us. I will never tire of the contrasting color combination. :smile:

Nor, will I ever tire of the content so delightfully contained in those contrasting panties.   :blush:

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Leora had a delivery of what eventually was proved to be some cosmetics. Of course Eva responded by her usual barking. The delivery had to wait a couple of minutes for Leora to go into the guest room to get something that I did not identify. Eva responded by an additional bark or two.

Almost as fast as Leora closed the door behind the delivery man. Here comes Paul, who was at his work desk, kicks the sack that Leora had set down on the hallway floor, then, which I did not see, but judging by Eva's yelp she probably got slapped again. Leora then consoled Eva, and the air immediately became very chilly.

A few minutes later Paul comes back into the guest room and picks up Eva acting like he was sorry for whatever he had done. Eva wanted nothing to do with it. There was a short raised voice conversation between Leora and Paul. Silence thereafter.

ps. Barry if you did not see it, stay out of it.

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