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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic February 2019 #3

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3 hours ago, pat dupon said:

hier Mila est rentrer tot je l'ai vu parler a toutes les filles sauf elvira mais j'ai pas vue toute la journee

quelqu'un a t'il vu mila et elvira se parler hier

No they didn’t talk because Elvira was in her bedroom all night with  Bea. 

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On 2/25/2019 at 4:04 AM, JohnTheod said:

I don't mean she hates them, i meant  that she doesn't like to hang out with them....every day when she is coming back in the evening she eats, doing bath and stays in her room. She doesn't interact with the rest of the girls anymore like it was a few weeks before.


3 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

Elvira don't blame you. for going outside to eat seeing that mila don't like none of the girls in the apt


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