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Eva & Sam General Chat Topic 2019 #2

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Eva in camera, arriva Baldy e Eva non sembra molto contenta-

poi lui va in bagno, nel mentre arriva Sam

ma Baldy esce dal bagno e sembra infastidito dalla presenza di Sam ed esce dalla camera. Sam lascia, ritorna Baldy e si infila nel letto Eva sembra sconvolta. Quasi quasi vorrei dire che Baldy vuole il pagamento del servizio fatto ad Eva e Sam e lei non sembra molto convinta...

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The funny this is even if he does manage to fuck her tonight, it's not like he's going to last that long anyway. The truth is there isn't really much to look forward to. I don't have anything against baldy but I really wish this could have been a new guy who's a much better performer.

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Eva is a fucking idiot. Clearly she must really have it bad for Baldy..like it or not. If you are going to fuck someone other than your husband why would you waste one on Baldy knowing her can't get it up and even if he does it won't last more than 2 or 3 minutes. The only reason I can think of is she really likes this guy and wants to fuck him. Recall how incredible passionate she was to him after the first time they fucked many months ago.

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No, Eva cerca di fare di tutto peer potere scopare con Sam in maniera seria.Hai dei problemi di erezione ma quando si trova in situazioni particolari va bene. Eva ha cercato con Baldy amico di Sam di creare qualcosa di strano, il trio, come in passato,ma Balby anche luinha dei problemi...

Hannoi giocato a lungo, Sam non hs risolto niulla, Baldy è andat in bianco. Poi Baldy ha chiesto qualcosa, Eva era riluttante ma ha cercato di acconterlo. è arrivato Sam, non molto contento anzi abbastanza arrabbiato  Baldy si e rivestito ed è uscito dalla camera

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Wow, I am surprised Eva isn't out chasing after Baldy the way she embarrassed herself last night. Like the first time when she pursued him for almost 5 hours last night she pursued this guy for almost 5 hours again. Just kept after him to fuck her. At least 5 times she was crawling all over him. Lost a lot of respect for her.

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4 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

Wow, I am surprised Eva isn't out chasing after Baldy the way she embarrassed herself last night. Like the first time when she pursued him for almost 5 hours last night she pursued this guy for almost 5 hours again. Just kept after him to fuck her. At least 5 times she was crawling all over him. Lost a lot of respect for her.

Why?? I didn't hear him say no or stop :dodgy:

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Just now, piedpiper1968 said:

What a stupid comment!! And how well has this guy ever performed. Doesn't take a genius to realize the guy is a lousy fuck.

You obviously did not pay attention to my dodgy (sarcastic face) --

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