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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #13

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1 minute ago, esanders9863 said:

I don't know her language but it sounds like her Whole Life Story

She is discussing the re- writing of " The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich ".    Word, For Word.   😁

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1 minute ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

shes not getting tired.

Let's hope not. It would be a shame for her not to transfer some of that energy toward the sexy gyrations of her pelvis.   😁

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Perhaps it may have been irrelevant to contradict some of the non believers on some of they're comments concerning the extent of actual genuine and real life events at the residence in the past when considering the non sensible timing of some of the occurrences there at the residence in comparison to what would obviously have been much more sensible timing of some of the occurrences. It seems to continue more now then in the past. Issues such as this and similar seem to project a view that perhaps the project is not so real life as portrayed or advertised. Oh well, so much for being privileged to some interesting observations at the project recently.

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2 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

Leora really needs to see her girlfriends a lot more often to cut down on the long girl talks, because I really cannot imagine that's Paul talking that long on the phone

Some of her friends may not live in their city. Siberia covers a lot of territory. If Paul was there he would have interrupted the conversation a long time ago. After colliding with her when he was trying to match her pacing !!😊

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1 minute ago, scutus said:

After colliding with her when he was trying to match her pacing !!😊


Bloody funny to watch Paul trying to keep up with Leora while she is on the phone 😁

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