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Ruta & Christian (2019) Part #1

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On 5/6/2019 at 7:37 PM, Amy3 said:

@ashleyxyz Here you can see Christian consoling the crying girl. But, no this was all just part of the show, right? BULLSHIT!


4.jpg  1

Are you sure what is going isn't she was sleeping and the dude tried to awake her then she got scared with that(just being ironic of course)..VH lost all my respect both as an person and user with all this covering shitt,from beatings to acept back rapists.

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

So, to punish them, you ignore them, is that right? What good does that really do? There are so many apts on the do not watch list for so many people here that at some point it stops being an open forum about a voyeur site and it starts to be a tenants support group or a fan club, if you will. There are the good and the chosen ones and then there are the bad and the unworthy ones. While you may think you're harming the tenants, all ignoring them really does is damage the forums and makes people afraid to follow or post about the bad, no good tenants, else they be considered bad and unworthy too by association. This is the end result of this idea of playing favorites. In my opinion, we're not here to be model citizens in a noble society, we're here to see stuff, even fucked up stuff. Well, I am anyways. Maybe I'm alone. I can live with that. If VHTV is able to return the tenants to the site, then they probably know more then we do and we should trust that everything is ok. If the tenants do bad and they do not return, then yes all bets are off and they should be condemned. That's how I view these events. In my opinion we have become too sensitive to anything that falls outside of our comfort zone and we are too quick to pigeonhole the tenants.

putting it simples..if any man beats an woman he should be out of site,isn't about being too sensitive is about its an crime and one of the mist disgusting ones,just like rape or tentative of rape.Stoped believing in VHTV fair judgments when with my own eyes seen an jerk punching and kicking an almost passed woman in head and VH excuse was...the dude was trying to awake her.Personaly have no favourites in VH,i like an some residents and couples and that's it..if i see something very wrong from their part i have zero problems saying it.Cheers Amy.

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1 hour ago, jabbath1987 said:

Они не использовали его сезам сейчас в этом месте ...

I now have a fresh tattoo, and you can not do tying me at the moment. Very soon, my tattoo will be finished and the people who adore bondage like me will come to visit. don't miss my friend You will see bondage soon!

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11 hours ago, Cristian&Ruta said:

I now have a fresh tattoo, and you can not do tying me at the moment. Very soon, my tattoo will be finished and the people who adore bondage like me will come to visit. don't miss my friend You will see bondage soon!

Bondage I thought you said bandage, sorry for the bad joke but I just had to do it.😁

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