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Melissa & Sergio, Krista & Andrew (2019) Part #1

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4 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

The one with the always limp who is always directing the shoes there. and yes he is still there. 

Sorry Jabs but what have "shoes" got to do with it.😁

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53 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

I don't know if I can agree with that, Jabba. Look at it this way. For these
tenants, whether they're camming or not, this is a job to them. Whether
it's just VH or they throw CB, MFC or whatever into the pot, as well, this
is work for them.

Two objects of any job are to be worthy of the requirements of that job
and to earn a decent living. For some of these tenants, maybe a lot of
them, this could be their sole source of income.

Turn it around and step into their shoes for a minute. Suppose someone
followed you around on your job for a day or two with a camera, then
evaluated you and judged you to be unworthy of your job and should be
fired. How would you feel? Especially if you didn't agree and especially
if they were really wrong in their judgement. That's what's happening
here and, to a large degree, the judgements are dead wrong.

We don't know these people or much of anything about them. We don't
know why they chose this job or what it means to them. Maybe it was
the only job they could find.

Take Kira & Nina, for example. They've been on VH for about a day and
we found out they both have degrees. You commented, if they have
degrees, why would they be on cam. Well, maybe they needed the cash
right out of college. Maybe Nina's degree is in music. If so, I'd say she's
putting that degree to good use. And maybe Kira's degree is in some
form of writing. If that's the case, she's also made good use of her
degree. Maybe Kira also has a degree is music. Of course, this is all
just speculation.

My point is, in less than a day they've had so much criticism heaped upon
them, I was waiting for the lynch mob with their wooden stakes made of
willow branches, carrying their hammers, nails and crosses for the
crucifixion. Some seem to have just gone bat shit crazy on these girls.

I think people sometimes forget that when they buy a sub, the only thing
that gets them is a view through the tenants' cams. It doesn't buy you the
right to be director of their lives and tell them what to do. And, for sure,
a lot of times when someone says they're just "making a suggestion" or
"offering an opinion" about what they would like to see, it's really a
thinly disguised demand.

We also don't get to be judge, jury or executioner of these people and
how they do their jobs. That falls to VH or maybe their managers. Who
knows how that really works, but it's not up to us.


It was a well written piece. But I have to say I disagree with everything you have stated. we all are being judged for what we do for living, by our managers, supervisor, teachers, customers, society, and etc, no matter what we do, why do you think cam workers MUST be an exception, especially if they choose it as their profession.   

I don't agree with bullying, being hateful, or insulting anyone. but there is nothing wrong with  just making suggestion or respectful criticism. JMHO

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8 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

The one with the always limp who is always directing the shoes there. and yes he is still there. 

after the incident, he has not been living there anymore. he comes in, directs his cam show, eat something and then he leaves, until his next show. maybe that's the deal he has made with VHTV. 

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Just now, bluewinner said:

after the incident, he has not been living there anymore. he comes in, directs his cam show, eat something and then he leaves, until his next show. maybe that's the deal he has made with VHTV. 

In that case they should remove his name from the place. 

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2 minutes ago, bluewinner said:

after the incident, he has not been living there anymore. he comes in, directs his cam show, eat something and then he leaves, until his next show. maybe that's the deal he has made with VHTV. 

Thanks for the additional information.

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23 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

The one with the always limp who is always directing the shows there. and yes he is still there. 

thanks for the info. guys like him should be thrown out. if the girls want to go with them goodbye & good luck to them. 

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