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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 August #2

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2 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Questa volta ti devo dare una ragione, ma il problema era anche non fare sesso 😂

to you, maybe it sucked because they couldn't have sex the way you wanted, to me instead the whole situation,

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Just now, Mauri said:

a te, forse è risucchiato perché non potevano avere rapporti sessuali il modo in cui si voleva, per me invece l'intera situazione,

No, I agree with you, at least for Annabella, for her boyfriend, but in general everything was really disgusting, coming home only for non-existent sex, they all did well to stay out at the hotel

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2 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

No, sono d'accordo con te, almeno per Annabella, per il suo ragazzo, ma in generale tutto è stato davvero disgustoso, tornando a casa solo per sesso inesistente, hanno fatto tutti bene a stare fuori in hotel

I wonder if all this has served RLC, and has had new members at least

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  I would always like to remember that in this house there are cameras, whoever enters must be warned, because of privacy problems, so these stallions knew they were being filmed, so for me it was something organized by RLC or the girls brought the work home, before some cocksuckers get angry, this is my judgment, exclusively mine, but it has also happened in other apartments

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3 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Spero che tu scherzi, io thinsk è stato più tempo per togliere il vestito che scopare per un altro 2 un sonno e un altro non può scopare è più probabile perdere clienti come questo 

remember that non-subscribers see blurred miniatures, so if they see a boy through them or some naked girl, then by heart they subscribe to them, this is enough for them

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last thing, then I go to enjoy a nice day on the beach, I have been on VHTV for a long time and I can guarantee you that such a thing, you have never even seen there, good day at all

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12 minutes ago, Mauri said:

ricordate che non abbonati vedono miniature sfocate, in modo da se vedono un ragazzo attraverso di loro o di qualche ragazza nuda, poi a memoria si abbonano a loro, questo è sufficiente per loro

Don t worry this was the most ugly "night" of this program

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