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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - August #5 / September #1

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Just now, Mauri said:

essi non sono pagati per fare questi tipi di spettacoli. ancora non si capisce

But you go to work to get paid more or less? If they pay me more to do a certain thing I do it, if you don't like this you are wrong to be here, because even if it says "reallife" in front of a camera nobody will ever be spontaneous

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Just now, Theblacknight04 said:

The fact that it is all amateur, they are not actors, they can do all the plans they want but they don't have a script, I can betray the boyfriends like it happened to Annabella, so I don't talk about porn because it has nothing to do with it

this is where you are totally wrong!!!  they are actors, they are porn stars, RLC is a porn site, the shows are well planned ahead of time, and if you think anything different then you have lost all sense of reality!!  

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Just now, HarleyFatboy said:

è qui che si è totalmente sbagliato !!! sono gli attori, che sono stelle del porn, RLC è un sito porno, gli spettacoli sono ben pianificato prima del tempo, e se si pensa qualcosa di diverso allora si hanno perso il senso della realtà !!  

Trust me that I know better than you, no one is an actor, you can plan something but nobody in a script like in a movie

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3 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Ma vai al lavoro per essere pagato più o meno? Se mi pagano di più per fare una certa cosa, lo faccio, se non ti piace ti sbagli di essere qui, perché anche se dice "vita reale" davanti a una telecamera nessuno sarà mai spontaneo

have you ever seen a show in couples' apartments as they do in B4? no, they live more or less their real life, if it's called REAL LIFE, then hold onto that

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6 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Fidati di me che conosco meglio di te, nessuno è un attore, puoi pianificare qualcosa ma nessuno in una sceneggiatura come in un film

Linda has a porn star friend, but I don't think they ever made a bunch of friends in the apartment, what's the difference between the couples and the apartments in Barcelona? it's not even a holiday, since they stay here for more than 90 days and most of the time they spend it at home, they don't visit the city, they almost never go dancing, and some of them don't even come together to go out at night ( type MEGAN)

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Just now, Mauri said:

bene allora perché non fanno queste orge falsi troppo? sono stupidi?

But what speeches are they? That's a personal thing, there are those who like who not, then surely a salary in a couple is divided by two, while GOV is everything for a person, sex is an experience if you are also paid to do the best thing even better 

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12 hours ago, Fagen said:

Some days ago at last party on Megans bed, they didnt do anything today though

I had my recorder going since I couldn't stay in front of the computer and when I got back it didn't save the recording because it was too big.  I have never seen her have sex with anyone male or female.  I wonder why she is here.

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