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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #18 2020 March/April


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8 hours ago, winnlove said:

Albert, stp, et Filipe aussi, vous faites vos commentaires en privé, comme moi et pleins d'autres le font, ok?

Hi, if you don't like the comments written by Albert, Felipe, Aussie, just ignore ... For a user who doesn't like what you write there are many who like your posts instead

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16 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

Malia is sick 🤒😵

I don't think Malia is sick ...When she goes to the toilet to change clothes, and as on Monday night for the massage session she did not remove her shorts, as she usually does, I think, just my opinion, that her disease is the same as Leora's, monthly visit, although Leora's is already ending ...

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