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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #20 2020 April


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18 minutes ago, raul399 said:

played .. hello ....
sorry if you feel alluded to ... but it's not because of you ...
several days ago I no longer wrote in this thread, for that reason,
that shows that it is not for you ...
I'm glad to read you again, greetings

raul, I regard you as a friend always. Get tired of the bullshit sometimes, even my own.

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2 minutes ago, jugghead said:

raul, te considero un amigo siempre. Cansarse de la mierda a veces, incluso la mía.

I don't remember what happened .. hahaha
The important thing in this life is to have a good time and laugh with friends, and you are a friend to me.

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37 minutes ago, jugghead said:

Haven't been here a while but I was hoping we were past all that now.

Welcome back jugg...been wondering about ya. No worries though bud...believe me...you haven't missed anything really worth missing. Been the same ole..same ole since the arrival of the newest resident. No where near as interesting as it used to be there imo.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

Welcome back jugg...been wondering about ya. No worries though bud...believe me...you haven't missed anything really worth missing. Been the same ole..same ole since the arrival of the newest resident. No where near as interesting as it used to be there imo.

Thank you Nick. I let my sub lapse. On purpose of course.

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13 minutes ago, jugghead said:

Thank you Nick. I let my sub lapse. On purpose of course.

I know what you mean. I'm nearly close to doing the same thing again as well my friend. The residence there is borderline of not being much more or anymore interesting as some of the other residences now. Not much sense in spending on anything that doesn't seem interesting enough to continue doing so.

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32 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

I know what you mean. I'm nearly close to doing the same thing again as well my friend. The residence there is borderline of not being much more or anymore interesting as some of the other residences now. Not much sense in spending on anything that doesn't seem interesting enough to continue doing so.

Hard to find entertainment like this elsewhere. Just keep coming back to it. Not sure why. Guess I miss the site. And it's not just Leora, it's her, others on RLC and yes, even you assholes on here.

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3 minutes ago, jugghead said:

Hard to find entertainment like this elsewhere. Just keep coming back to it. Not sure why. Guess I miss the site. And it's not just Leora, it's her, others on RLC and yes, even you assholes on here.

    Well...also because you are jugghead...and you know Betty or Big Ethel have never found you here. 👌 😉

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It’s pretty obvious that Leora dictates the direction and mood for the evening. It appeared that Malia was in a positive and pleasant state of mind earlier until Leora called an audible and suddenly became glued to her cell phone and decided she wasn’t in the mood to enjoy the company of her friend. What can she looking at her screen incessantly that’s more important than having a conversation with a live person who’s sitting a few feet away from you? I believe cell phones have have ruined social skills and interactions, particularly in the millennials. I actually felt bad for Malia tonight. After being ignored most of the evening I don’t blame her for escaping to her bedroom. Leora was so hypnotized by scrolling on her cell phone I don’t even think she said Good Night to her good friend...very rude behavior. 😒

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