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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #24 2020 April/May


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1 minute ago, jugghead said:

I have said many times before that I think she listened to me and reacted many times, but I'm the one every one says is a crazy bastard. My actions show little to defend myself from that distinction. Only Nicholas knows of what I speak because he was there. The Leora Whisperer. LOL. I half believed it myself. But that was another time...

Better to be remembered and thought of than not my friend. I've got no idea how she thinks me. 

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1 minute ago, jugghead said:

I believe that she loves you. She would be foolish to not.🙂

Aww, thank you jugghead for those nice words.

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1 minute ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Aww, thank you jugghead for those nice words.

Brother, I really think she knows some things. I have supported her as well all these years. Oddly enough, the one time I chimed in with others that were dissing Paul, that was the night she gave the camera the finger. I have regretted that ever since. But whatever. I'm sure she knows you have always been true. If not, we all sure do.


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2 minutes ago, jugghead said:

Brother, I really think she knows some things. I have supported her as well all these years. Oddly enough, the one time I chimed in with others that were dissing Paul, that was the night she gave the camera the finger. I have regretted that ever since. But whatever. I'm sure she knows you have always been true. If not, we all sure do.


Well you were bad and got spanked. But I sure we all should be judged on all our comments not just the ones that got wrong. A balanced view from Leora would be what she does when read her long, long time fans. There aren't many 7 year watchers still here that are defending her and watching. I'm still hopeful she will wish me a happy 60th birthday.

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1 hour ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Well you were bad and got spanked. But I sure we all should be judged on all our comments not just the ones that got wrong. A balanced view from Leora would be what she does when read her long, long time fans. There aren't many 7 year watchers still here that are defending her and watching. I'm still hopeful she will wish me a happy 60th birthday.

Firstly Aussie..Happy Birthday, have a good one and many more..I sincerely hope you get your wish mate but don’t hold your breath waiting...no dollars in writing to you..lol🤑🤑 slightly tongue in cheek mate.  You’ve already had one good result with your virus test..you just might have to be satisfied with that. 

There’s possibly more people than you imagine who are 7 year Leora watchers but don’t post on here anymore for whatever reason, or have never posted on here..off those that do post, it’s OK for people to critique as long as it’s respectful and as honest as possible, these same people wouldn’t watch her for 7 years unless they were fans would they..

Enjoy your day mate..😼🎂🥂🍾

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16 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Firstly Aussie..Happy Birthday, have a good one and many more..I sincerely hope you get your wish mate but don’t hold your breath waiting...no dollars in writing to you..lol🤑🤑 slightly tongue in cheek mate.  You’ve already had one good result with your virus test..you just might have to be satisfied with that. 

There’s possibly more people than you imagine who are 7 year Leora watchers but don’t post on here anymore for whatever reason, or have never posted on here..off those that do post, it’s OK for people to critique as long as it’s respectful and as honest as possible, these same people wouldn’t watch her for 7 years unless they were fans would they..

Enjoy your day mate..😼🎂🥂🍾

Thank you jimbo4 for really nice comments. 

I only think good things about Leora, hopefully she knows I'm a gentleman and would keep it to myself.

Sometimes doing something nice for another human brings you more happiness than a money reward would have. I like to think when I stand in front of god my good deeds out weigh the bad. Hopefully Leora reads this and understands why she should. 

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