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JabbathCaps Shifts Direction To Save Itself


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1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

The current Ignore List has 4 Options.  Posts,  Messages (PM), Signatures and Mentions.   Posts we all know what that is. Messages would be PM's.  Signatures is underneath a persons post some members like to be creative and they'll appear on every post they make.  Mentions are if someone mentions you in a Topic which you'd receive a notification.

Thanks for that. If the software is being updated perhaps it would be a good idea for the member ignored to know they are being ignored as well otherwise they would keep posting and not knowing they are being ignored. Any thoughts on that?

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11 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Thanks for that. If the software is being updated perhaps it would be a good idea for the member ignored to know they are being ignored as well otherwise they would keep posting and not knowing they are being ignored. Any thoughts on that?

I don't know if a Member can tell if they're being ignored or not. One way to know would be is noticing a fewer responses to posts as usual or if they try to PM someone they wouldn't be able to send the PM if they are on that Members Ignore List. PM's could actually be a couple of things. Ignored a Member or if they are not a Premium Member they're Inbox could be full as Non Premium Members are allowed 50 PM Limit for storage whereas a Premium Member is Unlimited.  

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27 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I see the tools are working hard. Thanks for all the pics boys. I do wonder what you get for your hard work. Bluewinner must be up to getting some private instagram/facebook/vk account prizes by now. Wow! I'd sell my soul for that! Back on your knees boys, you have a job to accomplish. Serve him well and good things will come your way.

whose instagram/facebook/vk account am I suppose to get ? lol 

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And bet yer bottom dollar Admin won't do jackshit about it as they are all as bad as each other in their ivory tower sneering at everyone else. Still if it makes them happy let them get on with it eh. They always say little things please little minds.

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2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Oh no, a set back. Your master will not be happy. Tsk tsk! You will be scolded I’m sure. 

Anyways, the tenants of course. Haven’t you reached that level yet for your good service? All in good time I suppose. 

I have been at this for a long, long time. I know the ins and outs of all the games and forms of manipulation that are played here. For your loyal service in posting all of those posts in the real forums in order to balance out the forum theft of the club posts, I’m sure that you will be rewarded in kind. And what is it that you will be rewarded with? Well, information of course. Ah yes! The golden ticket to the land of knowledge and insight into things you never though of or even imagined is there for you. All it takes is a little bit of loyalty and servitude in exchange and the gates can open. You club members are being used to serve another’s end. Your master hidden in his castle wall is not who he seems to be. He rules you all and you do it blindly and for really nothing. #followers  

oh ok. thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind, when negotiating with my masters lol but TBH I was more interested in monetary compensation lol 


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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

Oh I love the “Amy is crazy” diversion trick. Classic! You’re learning. One day you’ll get there and see what you actually did and who you have actually become. 🛠️

Money? Sorry, he doesn’t have any of that. I paid for his premium CC membership and VHTV pays for his subscription. Maybe you’ll be next to pay. Kneel! 🤑

Well, in that case, I may be better off switching teams, facebook/instagram/vk accounts doesn't interest me as much as you might think lol let me know when you are hiring, I might consider it if the pay is good lol 


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