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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #4

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Il y a 6 heures, sturmchaser a dit :

But I do like the new ergonomic chair she has.  It looks like it was pretty expensive. 

Yep!  Me too.  Much better for the posture, and therefore no more back problems.  Maybe expensive, but it pays in the long term.  No more need for that stupid tape, nore paying for a Masseuse.

Smart move as far as I'm concerned.  Now if we can only stop Nina from slouching...

For Disneykid:  I doubt there is a problem, but I have noticed in the past, that if Nina wants something from Kira, she will play hard-to-get for a while until Kira gives in.  Same as in most relationships really, the biggest weapon a woman has over her man is the word NO!  ☹️

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18 minutes ago, Le5b0 said:

For Disneykid:  I doubt there is a problem, but I have noticed in the past, that if Nina wants something from Kira, she will play hard-to-get for a while until Kira gives in.  Same as in most relationships really, the biggest weapon a woman has over her man is the word NO!  ☹️

if anyone should play hard to get it must be Kira. she is the pretty one here lol

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10 hours ago, Le5b0 said:

Perhaps moving it to this top left corner is the best option?

Up in corner.png  0

I agree the computer is in the wrong place ,it’s causing problems between the girls. 
if anywhere it should be in the living  room

i also think Nina needs to put her laptop down sometimes  and give Kira a bit more attention.

To me things aren’t quite right at the moment,, maybe what happened at the weekend 

  Come on girls get back too your old self and have a Bit of fun

You. CAn. Count on one hand the times they have had  sex this year  that’s about once a month ( not good)

So cum on girls get your finger in , sorry I meant out (ha ha)



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17 hours ago, Le5b0 said:

Perhaps moving it to this top left corner is the best option?

Up in corner.png  0

I just had thought about the computer table ,if you could move the water  bottles  from  where they are now

 The computer could go there ,it would be quiet apart from the birds 

plenty of light from outside and from the kitchen 

No one would be disturbed

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