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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #34 2020 May-June

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14 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

you just forget that she fell a few days ago, the negative way of posting on this forum is sometimes more than I can have, I wonder if there are more people who suffer from this

that probably how she got all of these marks on her neck also. I think that it is an undisputed fact that she is seeing someone and I could not care less. What I care about is the money I spend to get nice shows from Leora with or without Malia and I am not getting this lately. I agree that things can change as they have often in  the past. The question is when or just will she be back to entertain us? and the answer for me is not Malia. I did feel bad for Malia but in the end she made the decision to move there so now she has to live with the consequences. Cheers!!

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1 hour ago, philo said:

Glad you decide to chime in. Now everyone has a good example of the people who don't what us to believe in the facts that we can see. (our lying eyes). If we are only to consider the things we don't know, the things we cannot see, and the things not in evidence, then, there would be no need for this forum would there?

So why say everything is Fact just because one sees only what one wants to see, that's how magicians make their money

I must admit all this supposedly factual conjecture slightly amusing

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