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B5 COV Bonnie & Rama / Alexandra and Lucian - General Topic 2020 #6 (June/July)

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8 hours ago, bluewinner said:

Bonnie and Rama are going out again. It might be their last days on vacation, they have been spending a lot of time outside the apartment lately, they probably go sight seeing.

don't worry they will spend less time outside now whith the new recommendations there is in Barcelona  because of the covid

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6 hours ago, HappyChappie said:

These two couples seemed to get along a few weeks back and now looks like they will not spent time together in the same apartment. What happened?


3 hours ago, Hornymacho said:

I was going to ask the same thing, these two couples are not talking to each other.  Maybe they had an argument, who knows :confused:


I don't know what happened. but I feel they have kept their distance since the day Bonnie & Alex had a hot lesbian sex in B4. after that day they have been very cold towards each other and Bonnie & Rama have not visited B4. My guess is Rama doesn't like Bonnie to have sex with other girls. I think Lucian has no problem with it as Alex has had sex with other women and he was ok with it. that is just my take, I could be wrong though. 

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10 minutes ago, bluewinner said:


I don't know what happened. but I feel they have kept their distance since the day Bonnie & Alex had a hot lesbian sex in B4. after that day they have been very cold towards each other and Bonnie & Rama have not visited B4. My guess is Rama doesn't like Bonnie to have sex with other girls. I think Lucian has no problem with it as Alex has had sex with other women and he was ok with it. that is just my take, I could be wrong though. 

yes i have the impression that things changed after this event but this is very strange because it was not the first time
For the rest, not having all the information, I prefer not to speculate, but for me a few things have changed in Bonnie's head, and I don't think it comes from Rama

the funny thing is that at first everyone felt like it was Lucian who had a problem with his wife sleeping with Bonnie, when Rama looked ok, and now the comments are going in the opposite way :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, bluewinner said:


I don't know what happened. but I feel they have kept their distance since the day Bonnie & Alex had a hot lesbian sex in B4. after that day they have been very cold towards each other and Bonnie & Rama have not visited B4. My guess is Rama doesn't like Bonnie to have sex with other girls. I think Lucian has no problem with it as Alex has had sex with other women and he was ok with it. that is just my take, I could be wrong though. 

Getting a BJ off Kim and Diane might have helped...😆

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4 hours ago, moos54 said:

Sí, tengo la impresión de que las cosas cambiaron después de este evento, pero esto es muy extraño porque no era la primera vez.
Por lo demás, al no tener toda la información, prefiero no especular, pero para mí algunas cosas han cambiado en la cabeza de Bonnie. y no creo que venga de Rama

Lo curioso es que al principio todo el mundo sentía que era Lucian quien tenía un problema con su esposa durmiendo con Bonnie, cuando Rama parecía estar bien, y ahora los comentarios van en sentido contrario. :gran sonrisa:

I agree, I think the problem is Bonnie, after what happened in B4 with Alex it's as if she felt guilty and that's why she left, then they have been distancing themselves perhaps to cool down their relationship and so it won't happen again which is what has happened, but in my opinion they have gone too far because they cross each other and don't mediate words and many times there are bad faces.

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