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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #66 August 2020


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34 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

What you have just said is very true and similar to what I told him a while back, he throws out the bait to see if we bite....I don't bother about personal attacks on me , I give them so I take them no problem...I don't though like personal attacks on Leora as she is not in a position to respond..

I have indeed recently blocked him so he can try his luck with someone else..

You may have this the wrong way round if you think about it..

He cannot do personal attacks on you because no one would be bothered or interested especially him..

But on a membership paying open forum he after all is entitled to attack the participants of the so called Project using his own opinion as everyone keeps saying is ok to do..

It becomes personnel only because you don't like what he is saying about someone who is there to be criticized again his opinion..

What is not ok is the abuse you aim at him if you take a step back you are as bad as him or worse because you are making it as you put it "Personal"

The Queen is there under her own undertaking to be shot at as it were.. Love her or not it's the way it is  ....

People such as this are having a go because they don't like the way some are obsessed with the Queen and them same people will not have anything bad said about her..

My advice ....you want to criticize the very people you want to ignore by giving them airtime which is counter productive..

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13 minutes ago, brian smith said:

You may have this the wrong way round if you think about it ..

He cannot do personal attacks on you because no one would be bothered or interested especially him ..

But on a membership paying open forum he after all is entitled to attack the participants of the so called Project using his own opinion as everyone keeps saying is ok to do ..

It becomes personal only because you don't like what he is saying about someone who is there to be criticized again his opinion ..

What is not ok is the abuse you aim at him if you take a step back you are as bad as him or worse because you are making it as you put it "Personal"

The Queen is there under her own undertaking to be shot at as it were .. Love her or not it's the way it is ....

People such as this are having a go because they don't like the way some are obsessed with the Queen and them same people will not have anything bad said about her ..

My advice .... you want to criticize the very people you want to ignore by giving them airtime which is counter productive ..

Whilst I respect your views on the matter, and without continuing ad infinitum, Yes I made it personal on one aspect, after he had made what I concidered was a personal and possibly hurtful remark about Leora.

The forum is not membership only I don't believe.

I respect other peoples opinions, although I might not agree with them, unless i believe them to be offensive or over personal to the tenant....Contrary to what you might think the tenant is not there to be insulted or abused....

My feelings, obviously different to yours... But thats life !!

Have a good weekend,


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Non capisco perché qualcuno chiami Leora "prostituta". 


La seguo, più o meno, sin dal primo appartamento in Russia quando ancora si tingeva i capelli di biondo e non aveva nemmeno il cane e tutto mi sembra tranne che una prostituta o simili. 

Poi certo, non è lì (su RLC) solo per bellezza ma anche per avere un guadagno e un tetto sopra la testa ma questo non significa che è una bitch che andrebbe a letto con chiunque abbia un pene. 

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1 minute ago, hoppity hooper said:

You would think the person that spends the most time in the apartment should get the bigger bedroom,and if I were Malia I would move to the big bed on weekends since we know no one will be using it!

Può essere che semplicemente gli piaccia stare sul suo di letto e non quello di Leora. O per rispetto di Leora semplicemente non ci va. 

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22 minutes ago, hoppity hooper said:

You would think the person that spends the most time in the apartment should get the bigger bedroom,and if I were Malia I would move to the big bed on weekends since we know no one will be using it!

Malia is a guest by circumstance in a sense, It would be disrespectful in my opinion for her to commandeer Leora's bed.


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