Nicholas Posted August 26, 2020 Author Posted August 26, 2020 6 minutes ago, pulo filipe said: Lol. Yes, that's someones above cheeks being squeezed and tugged on. 1
StnCld316 Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 10 hours ago, jimbo4 said: Having looked at the format for the new style as from Tuesday I must concede that perhaps it might help reduce the amount of unnecessary material that is posted, and possibly confine the anti Leora or anti Malia brigade to the correct topic...Also those that belly ache about RLC continuously will have their own place to vent their spleens. It would be unreasonable to condemn it as I have without first trying it out, so just to piss a few people off I shall continue for now at least.. Any Member who has been with the Forum in the years from 2012 - 2015 era would already know what Multiple Topics are as they would have likely participated or at least seen at some point throughout that era of how Postings were done. The changeover to the General Chats began sometime in 2016. Things have now gotten to a point where there are just too many Locked Topics on the front pages. Any new Member joins the Forum and all they see is One (1) General Chat Topic and a Picture & Video Topic which gives an impression there is not too much too discuss. Since Forums are Designed and Built to have Multiple Discussions it only seems relevant to go back with the Multi-Topic Discussions. More Open Topics gives a description of the Tenant and/or Tenants of what they do and should be a lot easier to follow when a Tenant Masturbates or gets Laid and anything else they do throughout the time in the apartment. Having it all in one Topic then one has to search out Multiple Pages just to try and find what they want to read. Types of Activity should be easier to find and follow pushing all those old locked topics further into the other pages. Most are only interested in what's relevant and current so going with Multiple Topics should keep what's relevant and current all in the front pages.
masterchef56 Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 24 minutes ago, Ghost1234 said: Leora and Malia for the past two days : Leave in shorts and a t-shirt, then come back with jeans on ... BRRR It's cold in the streets of Prague !!! I think you have to have new glasses,because both girls came back home to change from shorts to jeans before they went out again. 1 1
gogism Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 If anyone would ask me - the more topics - the more bitching and mixing shit... therefore - much more work for the mods + ofc much more fightings between the posters... In one topic some will bitch about their hairstyle In another - there wili be bitching about whether they're at home to much or - not enough Next topic will bring us all the shit about their shows - ups and downs etc And finaly - the greatest topic - it will be called - PSEUDO topic - there will be allowed everything because one way or another - everything is just - 'pseudo', hehe. Cheers! 😉 1 2
p4design Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 15 minutes ago, gogism said: If anyone would ask me - the more topics - the more bitching and mixing shit... therefore - much more work for the mods + ofc much more fightings between the posters... In one topic some will bitch about their hairstyle In another - there wili be bitching about whether they're at home to much or - not enough Next topic will bring us all the shit about their shows - ups and downs etc And finaly - the greatest topic - it will be called - PSEUDO topic - there will be allowed everything because one way or another - everything is just - 'pseudo', hehe. Cheers! 😉 We get it, you don't like the word pseudo. Who Cares. Your posts have become pseudo relevant.
winnlove Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 Il y a 2 heures, Ghost1234 a dit : En passant, si j'étaye mes théories sur le chat c'est parce que j'aime profondément Leora, depuis presque une décennie je la suis au jour le jour et je vous jure que notre Leora n'est plus heureuse... Il y a une anguille sous la roche et je me promets à moi personnellement la découverte de ce foutu cancer moral qui gruge notre Leora depuis deux, trois mois environ... Ceux qui connaissent Leora savent de quoi je parle quand je dis que cette fille était plus heureuse avant... Plus de danse, plus d'artisanat, plus de peinture, que le désir d'être ailleurs je suppose, loin de tout les goujats qui profitent de ces deux pauvres filles parachuté de plein fouet à partir du fin fond de la Sibérie dans l'une des pires villes de perdition au monde... Il y a plus de bordels que d'habitant cé pas rien lol Personne ne sait rien sur Leora. (son métier, sa vie, ses passions, ses envies, etc...) Je la suis depuis 8 années, et ce que je suis sûr c'est qu'elle avait ou a Paul, son mec, et sa chienne Eva. Depuis 1 an, elle est dans cet appartement, personne ne sait pourquoi, et RLC ne diras rien si on le demande, et un jour Malai est arrivée, et depuis personne ne sait si l'une ou l'autre travaille, dans quoi, ou non. Rlc reste toujours discret et ne donne aucune information. Donc PERSONNE, ne peut affirmer quoi que ce soit sur ces 2 filles, à part raconter ce qu'ils voient et rien d'autre. 3
winnlove Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 il y a 2 minutes, Ghost1234 a dit : Donc, personne ne voit rien non plus... LOl Vive les aveuglements volontaires... Youppi pi pi hourra !!! Personne ne peut affirmer quoi que ce soit, juste ce qu'on voit! Rlc ne divulgue rien de la vie privée des occupants. Saches-le, puisque tu es nouveau ici. Tout le monde voit mais personne ne sait rien. De plus, elles parlent Russe ou Ukrainien. On dit ce qu'on voit, et rien d'autre. 1
gogism Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 pdesi - looks like you are the only one that still doesnt get it, hehe. Just keep your life out of - pseudo. 😉
winnlove Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 il y a 2 minutes, Ghost1234 a dit : Sachez cher Monsieur que j'en sais beaucoup plus que vous n'en saurai jamais sur Leora particulièrement et en plus l'on voit bien que c'est vous qui tente de tempérer une tempête qui a débuté bien avant vos interventions... Je suis cette gente dame depuis 8 longues années en payant mon membership premium chez Reallifecam... P.S. Pouvez-vous en dire autant le connaisseur qui ne sait pas de quoi il parle... Lol, et vous savez quoi à propos de Leora? Je suis curieux chère "gente dame"... 2
gogism Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 hope after 1/9 there will be a topic for frenchisers... 😉 1
winnlove Posted August 26, 2020 Posted August 26, 2020 il y a 2 minutes, Ghost1234 a dit : LOL LOL LOL PAYEZ-VOUS UN ABONNEMENT CHEZ REALLIFECAM ET VOUS EN SAUREZ TOUT AUTANT QUE MOI... LOL LOL LOL ET BONNE NUIT Mdr. Bien sûr comme toi! à l’instant, Ghost1234 a dit : TRADUCTION MON CHER... SI JE T'ÉCRIVAIS EN ANGLAIS CE SERAIT PIRE, JE SUIS NUL À CHIER DANS CETTE LANGUE.. SORRY GOGISME SORRY LOSER!!! I am French and i am good also in english... and yes, I pay a subscription regularly to RLC. 1
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