Guest Squirrel Posted January 23, 2014 Posted January 23, 2014 Our version of OMG! Did you know that the British Empire once owned 80% of the horses in the world? Van says so, and this topic was requested by another one of our esteemed members. But did you also know, that at the time of the first the Spanish visits to the New World, North and South America were home to exactly 0% of the world's horses? Did you know that the Vertical Assembly Building in Florida is the world's tallest single story structure? And actually has its own weather conditions? And did you know that the world's largest clit is bigger than many smaller penises? Or should that be "pene"?* Damn, but CamCaps is way beyond being just informative, it's goddamn educational! :D *
van the man Posted January 23, 2014 Posted January 23, 2014 Did you know feral herds of horses in the Americas were known as 'Mustangs'. The modern day 'Mustang' has lots of horse power.
TBG 150 Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Did you know feral herds of horses in the Americas were known as 'Mustangs'. The modern day 'Mustang' has lots of horse power. And just like their predecessors, they rust right off of their frames. Hence the term, 'Rustang'. Oh. And yes to #3, Rodent.
Guest Squirrel Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Did you know that Mustangs were merely a restyled Falcon? Did you know that Falcons were the #1 car of South American secret policia when they came to pick you up in the middle of the night? And that they and their Mustang friends are worth a lot of money IF they haven't rusted out? Of course you did. . . tgb knows all. As for Mr. Ed; they wouldn't slaughter him. I hope. At least not until he teaches Meerkat and Agent Dog to speak human. Now, if we can only get a talking Parrot installed at Leora & Paul's residence, we could get the skinny on this couple...
Guest Squirrel Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 All you would get from that parrot is him squeaking like Leora when she is in the throws of one of her exaggerated orgasm's. Ooooo Ahhhh Eeeee Ooooo Ahhhh Eeeeee. I wouldn't have a problem with that...
Guest sojoe Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Did you know that 65% of statistics aremade up!
Guest Squirrel Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Did you know that 65% of statistics aremade up! Did you know that 95% of people who say that 65% of statistics are made up cannot site their sources 89.8% of the time? ;D
Panther063 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Did you know that 137% of Liberal voters are real (or where at some stage) (imaginary friends included)
van the man Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Did you know that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear!!!
Guest Squirrel Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Did you know that the largest flying squirrel, found in South Asia, is up to 4 feet in length. Wow! 4 feet requires a lot of lovin'! Those Asian gal squirrels make my avatar hard! We're talking ALL NIGHT LONG...
Guest Squirrel Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Did you know that humans, spider monkeys and bunny rabbits don't have a Baculum, (aka oosik, aka penis bone). Sorry girls. (Squirrels are equipped with one, as are most mammals. Attached is a walrus baculum, approximately 22 inches (56 centimetres) long. RLC girls should be able to enjoy the hell out of that!)
Panther063 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Hmmm, so that's how Mermaids came about :o
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