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Guest Squirrel

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Drunken astronaut talking to command control:

"You want me to do what?,.. a space walk?"  "You got to be fucking kidding!"  "Fuck, I can barely sit up right now."  "Why don't you call back later."

Command control guy talking to another man sitting beside him:

"Geez, I remember when things use to be tight, and these fucking assholes use to listen to us."

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Well, that's the end of this board. Every thing that I thought would never happen has happened.

That's why I said, we have to figure this dude out. He may be real. He may be leading us down the dark path. Be wary. It was too easy.

There is nothing to figure out tbg. I'm me. I lurked for a long time. Pretty close to the beginning of the site really. I'm right out here in the light for all to see. The only thing is, you may need a microscope.

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Please be informed that although we have plenty of beer and hard liquor at Old Dude's bar and saloon, wine supplies will be rationed. Apparently we suffered a great deal of damage when last night's brawl escalated and expanded to the wine cellar.

Those responsible will  receive 10 positive karma points as punishment and a whack on the pee-pee by Mistress Kitten.


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Not my fav. white Zinfandel.  Everyone please pay your bar tab we need to restock all the lost wine before we start a braw over that. Yes I would start a braw over no wine.  I will drink any type of wine in an emergency.

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DID YOU KNOW that the average infantryman in the South Pacific during WWII saw about 40 days of combat in FOUR years. The average infantryman in Vietnam saw about 240 days of combat in ONE year. That's like being in a fire fight 9 to 5, Mon to Fri, with the weekend off if you were lucky.

The most famous march in WWII was General Patton third (3rd) Army Division during the Battle of the Bulge. Patton’s army marched 100 miles in 48 hours, two days, to relieve the besieged American troops at Bastogne.

With the mobility provided by Huey helicopters used in Vietnam, Patton‘s army would have been there in less than an hour and then on to another battle within hours. The soldiers in Vietnam were also required to secure an area three times that of soldiers in WWII.

The remaining Vietnam Vets are deserving of our support.

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