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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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Before you even think of voting for Joe Biden... Earlier this week, I finished reading Donald Rumsfeld’s wonderful biography of Gerald Ford, titled ”When the Center Held.” It was written in 2018. The book clearly articulates that President Ford was a thoroughly good man, a special American, and a greatly underrated President. HOWEVER, there was a story in the book that was startling.
In 1975, President Ford was left to manage the difficult ending of the Vietnam War. As North Vietnam seized on the opportunity to test American resolve following President Nixon’s resignation, President Ford went to Congress to ask for a relief package to push back on the North Vietnamese to allow American personnel and our allies to evacuate. However, there was one US Senator who opposed any such support. The result was the embarrassing and hurried evacuation from the roof of the American embassy in Saigon. This senator reviled in the embarrassment and did everything he could to leverage it politically against Ford.
Despite the efforts of this U.S .Senator--President Ford managed to rescue 1,500 South Vietnamese allies prior to the country’s fall. Had President Ford not acted quickly, these people would have been targeted and slaughtered for their support for America. Saving them was a moral obligation.
When they arrived in America, President Ford asked Congress for a package to assist these refugees integrate into American society. But that troublesome US Senator showed up again and torpedoed any support for these shell shocked refugees. Instead, President Ford had to recruit Christian organizations to offer assistance on a voluntary basis. As he did so, the aforementioned Senator belittled those efforts.
What kind of person would oppose President Ford’s tireless work to do the right and humanitarian thing? Who would want to play politics with the well-being of innocent people who stood by America in the tragic Vietnam War?
That US Senator? Joe Biden.
Donald Trump isn't a saint and I've had my issues with him. But the gushing and revisionist history over Joe Biden and his record is nauseating.
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4 hours ago, Thestarider said:


Very Interesting. I Wonder how many Dems outside California know about all this? ** Lets Pass It Around and Make Sure They Know!

All California squirrels attest to this description of an obviously leftist opportunist who would do anything necessary to gain power and wealth over us unwashed masses is true and correct.

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4 hours ago, Thestarider said:


Very Interesting. I Wonder how many Dems outside California know about all this? ** Lets Pass It Around and Make Sure They Know!
"I watched an interview with her. She is attractive, animated and absurd. She stated that she never had children; yet was a “Mother to her husband’s children.” And she “loved being a Mother.” She said the children called her “Momela”. Anyway, she led her audience to believe that she mothered these kids. I looked her up. She married her husband when the son was in his 3rd year of college and the daughter was in 10th grade and they actually lived with their biological Mother, except for normal visits with their father—so much for Motherhood. Right after hearing that, I discovered she was an opportunistic liar.
I do remember Kamala Harris. I had just been elected to the State Assembly in 1994 and, at that time, the ultimate “power broker” that controlled every aspect of California’s state government was the Speaker of the House, Willie Brown. He ran Sacramento like it was his own personal fiefdom and handed out jobs to loyalists and fired people who were disloyal. He broke every ethical law in the book, but was never held to account by anyone. He was married, but openly had mistresses which he showed off by bringing them to public events.
At the time I arrived in Sacramento, Willie was seeing a young girl who was in her late 20’s. He was in his 60’s. She was his mistress and he showered her with gifts and appointed her to a number of State government jobs. Her name was Kamala Harris. Willie launched her political career because she was having sex with him. The idea that she is an “independent” woman who worked her way up the political ladder because she worked hard is baloney. It is common knowledge in California that Kamala slept her way into powerful political jobs.
And now she is running for VP with a man who will be unable to govern due to his lack of mental clarity. In essence, she will function as the President of the United States should the Biden/Harris ticket prevail this November. Her views on guns, taxes, immigration, energy, etc. are far to the left of the average America, but you watch the media ignore these positions.
For example, she believes illegal aliens are eligible to ALL government services, including education, welfare benefits, health care, you name it. In other words, she does NOT believe there is a difference between a citizen and a non-citizen. That view alone will cost us billions of dollars if acted upon. Her view of the constitution is frankly bizarre and dangerous and she is willing to enact laws restricting our 2nd Amendment rights even if such laws violate our constitution.
She will be the most radical person to run for VP in American history, but you won’t see any of this on the news. You will soon witness a massive campaign by the media to deceive you about who she is and what she believes. Don’t fall for it."
Steve Baldwin… former California State Assemblyman, State of California


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2 hours ago, Thestarider said:
Before you even think of voting for Joe Biden... Earlier this week, I finished reading Donald Rumsfeld’s wonderful biography of Gerald Ford, titled ”When the Center Held.” It was written in 2018. The book clearly articulates that President Ford was a thoroughly good man, a special American, and a greatly underrated President. HOWEVER, there was a story in the book that was startling.
In 1975, President Ford was left to manage the difficult ending of the Vietnam War. As North Vietnam seized on the opportunity to test American resolve following President Nixon’s resignation, President Ford went to Congress to ask for a relief package to push back on the North Vietnamese to allow American personnel and our allies to evacuate. However, there was one US Senator who opposed any such support. The result was the embarrassing and hurried evacuation from the roof of the American embassy in Saigon. This senator reviled in the embarrassment and did everything he could to leverage it politically against Ford.
Despite the efforts of this U.S .Senator--President Ford managed to rescue 1,500 South Vietnamese allies prior to the country’s fall. Had President Ford not acted quickly, these people would have been targeted and slaughtered for their support for America. Saving them was a moral obligation.
When they arrived in America, President Ford asked Congress for a package to assist these refugees integrate into American society. But that troublesome US Senator showed up again and torpedoed any support for these shell shocked refugees. Instead, President Ford had to recruit Christian organizations to offer assistance on a voluntary basis. As he did so, the aforementioned Senator belittled those efforts.
What kind of person would oppose President Ford’s tireless work to do the right and humanitarian thing? Who would want to play politics with the well-being of innocent people who stood by America in the tragic Vietnam War?
That US Senator? Joe Biden.
Donald Trump isn't a saint and I've had my issues with him. But the gushing and revisionist history over Joe Biden and his record is nauseating.


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4 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

All California squirrels attest to this description of an obviously leftist opportunist who would do anything necessary to gain power and wealth over us unwashed masses is true and correct.


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20 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Joe Biden is elected president the leadership in the Democratic Party and the news media will probably use Biden's mental condition and financial scandals to initiate a campaign to remove Biden from office so that Kamala Harris can become president.   

qanon is hard at work i see.

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