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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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Now I would ask yourself, what is the real truth?


REPORTER: "There's really not much to see, and I'll step out of the way, but it's kind of boring out here. So it's not your typical campaign —presidential campaign event, we don't see people rallying outside, we don't see signs or really much of what's going on. And I'm told by one of the Biden staffers, local staffers, is that they kind of kept the details about the visits as far as the timing and the exact locations and pretty much all of the people that we saw enter into the parking lot about 45 minutes ago were with the Biden-Harris campaign and the pool reporters. So, you would expect to see — I mean, this is a pretty big event for the two of them to be campaigning together for the first time since the Democratic National Convention.” 

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4 hours ago, O_U812 said:

This is the shit that needs to stop now.  No excuse.


She is a fucking liar. She wrote that herself. Just like Jossie Mollet made up his phony assault story in Chicago.  Why would a Trump supporter claim that Trump stole the election? She just gave herself away by putting that claim in the phony email that she wrote.  Appearances on CNN and MSNBC also tells me who  and what she is, a female Jossie Mollet.

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9 hours ago, happyone said:

Only because I want to see if you really can finally post something non repetitious,  important,  or intelligent, but I am sadly disappointed because you are too busy mixing that

kool aid you are trying to get us conservatives to drink 😏🤣 

i'd love to post something that says dear leader & his cult are doing a great job but i haven't seen any evidence of that. so i'll continue to post facts.

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

She is a fucking liar. She wrote that herself. Just like Jossie Mollet made up his phony assault story in Chicago.  Why would a Trump supporter claim that Trump stole the election? She just gave herself away by putting that claim in the phony email that she wrote.  Appearances on CNN and MSNBC also tells me who  and what she is, a female Jossie Mollet.

Please, feel free to prove to me that this woman of impeccable professionalism and integrity made it up.  I'll be waiting.

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