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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Don't like the message so you attack the messenger, eh? No matter how much you smear Rudy it doesn't affect the truth of the emails on Hunter Biden's laptop computer does it? It also doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden received kick back payments from his son after Joe used his positions as Senator and Vice President to help Hunter Biden to procure money making deals in Ukraine, China and other nations.  At least 30 years of corrupt behavior by "Sleepy Joe" and his family members. When will the news media make Joe answer in depth questions about  the corruption?

You never cease to amaze that you keep falling for all this conspiracy theory bullshit. 

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

You fell for the Russia/Trump collusion hoax for over three years.

I did not fall for any hoax.  When the Mueller Report came out it was heavily redacted where a lot of the information that would expose Trump was hidden from the Public eyes.  The actual  truth will come forth without redactions after Trumps One Term Presidency is finished.  January 20,2021  Trump and Melania will be boarding Air Farce One for their final trip on the taxpayers dime.

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18 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

You never cease to amaze that you keep falling for all this conspiracy theory bullshit. 

     I suppose the corrupt and crooked dishonest career politician known as hiden biden wasn't recorded on video actually commiting what was an actual quid pro quo by bragging about threatening to withhold a billion dollars of US taxpayer funded aid to the country of Ukraine if Ukraines highest prosecutor known as their general prosecutor that was investigating Burisma who had underhandedly but discreetly hired his inexperienced son who had gotten kicked out of the US military is all a conspiracy theory as well, and that anyone who have seen the video's, well, they were just seeing things, or perhaps just made up actors to only look and sound exactly like the sorry old worthless excuse of humanity also right ? Anyone who saw the videos of him actually commiting what was an actual quid pro quo while he was obummers vp, should actually realize just how genuine the emails connecting some of the dots related to such matters actually really are. It's only conspiracy theories to those who would rather such matters not be really and truly genuinely investigated and not just claims of having been debunked to cover their crooked and corrupt dishonest asses. Not to mention but, I suppose the crooked and corrupt biden family came into many hundreds of millions of dollars during his 47 years as only a career politician, most of which was acquired during only his eight years as obummers ass kissing vp. that enabled all of them to live extravagantly, much more so than most politicians do, is only conspiracy theories as well? You never Trumpers with Trump derangement syndrome have it bad Stn. The man's not perfect by no means but, no one is, and even with his faults, he's a much better choice for that position than an old wore out corrupt and crooked dishonest career politician that's obviously in the early stages of senility, dementia, and quite possibly alzheimers. 

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13 hours ago, Robwin said:

Thanks Ash for that detailed explanation getting all hot and bothered now lol. As for the one reason or another well perhaps that would be toooooo much information but feel free to share :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:, could be for a bath :biggrin: 👍

You might be hot but you'll never be bothered!!😀

Your very nosey and rude asking these personal questions from Ash.😕

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3 hours ago, Nicholas said:

     I suppose the corrupt and crooked dishonest career politician known as hiden biden wasn't recorded on video actually commiting what was an actual quid pro quo by bragging about threatening to withhold a billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer funded aid to the country of Ukraine if Ukraines highest prosecutor known as their general prosecutor that was investigating Burisma who had underhandedly but discreetly hired his inexperienced son who had gotten kicked out of the U.S. military is all a conspiracry theory as well, and that anyone who have seen the video's, well, they were just seeing things, or perhaps just made up actors to only look and sound exactly like the sorry old worthless excuse of humanity also right ? Anyone who saw the videos of him actually commiting what was an actual quid pro quo while he was obummers vp, should actually realize just how genuine the emails connecting some of the dots related to such matters actually really are. It's only conspiracy theories to those who would rather such matters not be really and truly genuinely investigated and not just claims of having been debunked to cover their crooked and corrupt dishonest asses. Not to mention but, I suppose the crooked and corrupt biden family came into many hundreds of millions of dollars during his 47 years as only a career politician, most of which was acquired during only his eight years as obummers ass kissing vp. that enabled all of them to live extravagantly, much more so than most politicians do, is only conspiracy theories as well ? You never Trumpers with Trump derangement syndrome have it bad Stn. The man's not perfect by no means but, no one is, and even with his faults, he's a much better choice for that position than an old wore out corrupt and crooked dishonest career politician that's obviously in the early stages of senility, dementia, and quite possibly alztheimers .

Your "comment" is cultish, terrifying and frankly, beyond ignorant.

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Don't like the message so you attack the messenger, eh? No matter how much you smear Rudy it doesn't affect the truth of the emails on Hunter Biden's laptop computer does it? It also doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden received kick back payments from his son after Joe used his positions as Senator and Vice President to help Hunter Biden to procure money making deals in Ukraine, China and other nations.  At least 30 years of corrupt behavior by "Sleepy Joe" and his family members. When will the news media make Joe answer in depth questions about  the corruption?

No matter what you say or do, Biden/Harris will take charge on January 20.  

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Don't like the message so you attack the messenger, eh? No matter how much you smear Rudy it doesn't affect the truth of the emails on Hunter Biden's laptop computer does it? It also doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden received kick back payments from his son after Joe used his positions as Senator and Vice President to help Hunter Biden to procure money making deals in Ukraine, China and other nations.  At least 30 years of corrupt behavior by "Sleepy Joe" and his family members. When will the news media make Joe answer in depth questions about  the corruption?

geeze. i wonder why barr found nothing? maybe he should have looked in your imagination?

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