Nicholas Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Ahhh yes....the familiar unmistakable smell of marxist/socialist/communist snowflakes disguised as so called progressive liberal dummycrats fear drifting through the air. Those managing the asylums and mental institutions are excited knowing their businesses are yet on the verge of once again having significant increases in their populations as began occurring the day after November 3, 2016.
O_U812 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Love this woman! Activist Destroys Kansas City Police Commissioners One By One At Community Meeting | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM Keiajah "Kj" Brooks warned the Board that she wasn't nice, she wasn't there to be liked, and she was "not here begging anything of... 1
O_U812 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 How inconvenient. Tucker's October Surprise Documents About Joe And Hunter Biden Mysteriously Disappear | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM The only copies are gone! Poof! 1
O_U812 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Pure gold. Comedian sets internet ablaze with viral parody of Trump’s cultish and freezing fans WWW.RAWSTORY.COM On Wednesday, comedian Blaire Erskine posted a parody video to Twitter, with herself playing a Trump supporter stoically braving... 1
O_U812 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Ossoff just won the senate race in Georgia. ‘Just brutal’: Internet celebrates Jon Ossoff destroying GOP incumbent ‘crook’ Senator David Perdue in viral debate video WWW.RAWSTORY.COM Democratic nominee for Senate Jon Ossoff destroyed his Georgia Republican incumbent opponent, Senator David Perdue, at... 1
Nicholas Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 2 hours ago, O_U812 said: How inconvenient. Tucker's October Surprise Documents About Joe And Hunter Biden Mysteriously Disappear | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM The only copies are gone! Poof! There are no excuses for running someone who has now been shown to be one of few of the most corrupt and crooked dishonest politicians in the country's history, so much so, that all the 95% to 96% of news media outlets around the country along with the rest of the larger social media outlets of google, facebook, twitter, and some others now being no more than extensions of the marxist/socialist/communist party of America now, has been covering for him by violations of the 1st amendment in suppression of free speech by censoring credible news reporting that was backed up by actual genuine evidence and not reported by someone claiming to be anonymous. How convenient for a crooked politician for that to happen, as well as in combination with them covering for someone's mental state of being of someone that is clearly a cognitively impaired idividual, who is clearly in the early stages of senility and dementia, and very likely alzheimers as well, someone who has no business whatsoever in being anywhere near access to any nuclear codes or keys, let alone someone who has no business whatsoever in dealing with other world leaders who are communists, because he himself along with his brothers and son sold out the working class of the country to some of the very same countries, in the form of outsourcing of thousands of manufacturing plants and hundreds of thousands of jobs while corruptly and inconspicuously enriching himself and his family, all during his eight years of being an obummer ass kisser. As far as those copies go, as it has been established that they were copies of documents, not originals, and it is very likely that others will appear.
StarLight28 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Seit der Ernennung von Trump war Deutschland im Modus "abwarten" - was der neue US-Präsident der Welt zu sagen hat, und wie er das Welt-Problem Armut, Flüchtlinge ..... lösen will. Warten und warten ...... Was dieser Typ produzierte war nur Scheisse ! Kein Versuch von Ausgleich zwischen den armen, farbigen und den Superreichen Menschen. Trump ist ein VERSAGER. Trump ist ein Quereinsteiger ohne politische Erfahrung. Gut, gegen dumme Polit-Aktivisten vielleicht eine gute Alternative. Viele haben Trump deshalb 2016 gewählt. Große Enttäuschung. Der Nicht-Politik-Trump hat sich als politischer Versager und Nusche erwiesen. Komme ich in einen Raum und sage "Trump" - die Leute lachen sich fast tot. Das ist der beste Witz !! Nach der Trump-Wahl vor 4 Jahren will kein deutscher Politiker mehr mit dieser Lachnummer von Trump etwas zu tun haben. Alle warten mit Sehnsucht auf "Erlösung". Deutschland schämt sich für einen Menschen der aus Deutschland stammt.😒 1
StarLight28 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Seit vielen Jahren interessiert sich in Deutschland kein Mensch mehr für die desolate usa. Vor der Wahl war ein Team des TV-Senders ZDF mit Elmar Theveßen, der viele Jahre in den USA als Reporter lebt, mit einem Wohnmobil über Monate quer durch die usa unterwegs. Eine Katastrohe. Viele Menschen werden zur Wahl nicht zugelassen, Schwarze die vor 30 Jahren einmal eine Strafe erhielten sind ein Leben lang gesperrt. Meist sind das arme Schwarze, die nicht gegen den republikanischen Verbrecher von Trump stimmen dürfen. In Deutschland gab es bis 1969 auch eine Bestimmung im Gesetz zum "Verlust bürgerlicher Ehrenrechte" - mit Gesetz wurde das dan aufgehoben. In den USA gilt immer noch Mittelalter und Cowboy-Menthalität. Wahlkreise wurden in ländlichen Gegenden willkürlich intitiert von dem Republikaner-Arsch Thomas Hofeller so festgelegt das reiche Republikaner profitieren. Menschen müssen 100 km und mehr fahren um zu einem Wahllokal zu kommen. Reiche können sich die Tour leisten, arme Schwarze nicht - also fehlen diese Stimmen den Demokraten. Das ist systematischer Betrug der Republikaner. Das ist DER Grund warum der Republikaner "Wahl per Post" ablehnt - da können Gegner von ihm leicht ihre Stimme abgeben - das stört die Ratte. Trump kann nur gewählt werden mit Lüge und vor eilendem Betrug. Und dieser undemokratische Verbrecher von Trampel sagt bereits jetzt, vor der Wahl, das er eine Niederlage NICHT anerkennt, da die nur durch Manipulation der Demokraten entstanden sei. Wie undemokratisch ist diese widerliche Ratte ???? 😁 1
O_U812 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 Insanity & Felonies A man waved a sword at a woman blocks away from a polling place, warning her to 'vote for Trump' and photographing her license plate WWW.YAHOO.COM A man attending a Trump rally in Beverly Hills on Saturday wielded a sword and threatened passersby to vote for Trump, a viral TikTok... 1
O_U812 Posted October 29, 2020 Posted October 29, 2020 4 hours ago, Nicholas said: There are no excuses for running someone who has now been shown to be one of few of the most corrupt and crooked dishonest politicians in the country's history, so much so, that all the 95% to 96% of news media outlets around the country along with the rest of the larger social media outlets of google, facebook, twitter, and some others now being no more than extensions of the marxist/socialist/communist party of America now, has been covering for him by violations of the 1st amendment in suppression of free speech by censoring credible news reporting that was backed up by actual genuine evidence and not reported by someone claiming to be anonymous. How convenient for a crooked politician for that to happen, as well as in combination with them covering for someone's mental state of being of someone that is clearly a cognitively impaired idividual, who is clearly in the early stages of senility and dementia, and very likely alzheimers as well, someone who has no business whatsoever in being anywhere near access to any nuclear codes or keys, let alone someone who has no business whatsoever in dealing with other world leaders who are communists, because he himself along with his brothers and son sold out the working class of the country to some of the very same countries, in the form of outsourcing of thousands of manufacturing plants and hundreds of thousands of jobs while corruptly and inconspicuously enriching himself and his family, all during his eight years of being an obummer ass kisser. As far as those copies go, as it has been established that they were copies of documents, not originals, and it is very likely that others will appear. Sure.....Sure they will. Wait right there. 1
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