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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #33 (November)

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33 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Your wrong mr. defender of all things RLC.  I know who Martina is and who Alberto is as for the party, she way out of her league in B4 but now from the sounds of it, B4 will be a revolving door for her and possibly Alberto which is just sickening to me.  You like it and I don't!!

it is not a question of liking or not this kind of thing, and especially I base my thoughts on what I see every day for at least 3 years, date on which the couple appeared on the site, which is not your case

This is not the first time that Martina has been away and returned the next day in a different state, which suggests that the evening was surely eventful and therefore that anything can happen.

we must also take into account that Martina mainly came to see Nelly because she wants to learn to speak Russian, and so she can also teach Nelly to speak Spanish

I don't see anything wrong with it

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55 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

You really don't get it do you.  RLC survives mainly on their loyal fans that see nothing wrong with what they are doing. Their sub base is a monthly roller coaster.  New subs join, see what's going on, and cancel their subs when they see it is one big network of porn stars.  Wake up and smell the roses where you live...if you have any where you live that is.

First , if you want to know if there are any roses here , you can easily google it , I think you will be more than surprised 😌


If what you describe is a pattern then ( new subs / join / cancel due to network of porn stars ) , I find it an excellent way of how to attract possible newcomers , they can all judge of what it is offered , they will simply keep their subscription active or cancel as you believe it is happening . 

CC provides statistics ( due to the great courtesy from Noldus ) , I think the results/ numbers  speak for itself . As a business , like most worldwide , they are tested due to current circumstances , in some things they can do better , in some they should rethink if this is what people would like to see , but personally , watching this party last night and people having fun , drinking , singing , smoking , going off limits for whatever reasons , I truly enjoyed .. as I have said , as long as you can escape daily boredom because nearly everything is closed and there’s no chance currently to socialize in person , it was nice content for me last night and I don’t regret any euro being a subscriber 😌


We have different tastes dear friend and as you have observed , I try to keep with everyone a civilized level of discussion , without insulting , provoking or similar staff . I might be new to the forums expressing my opinion in writing , but I am many years a member of the forum and have followed topics and discussions that many have really “ lost “ the meaning of communicating . 

I think that  trying to achieve making all  this community here to hate RLC , stop paying and subscribe , what is it that you personally gain ? It is just endless hating / loving comments from the ones who support and the ones who don’t like . The ones will keep on paying , the others will keep on complaining .. I don’t think then that you are gaining anything . 

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Masha et maintenant Martina qui se donne en spectacle dans B4 avec des filles qu'elle connaît à peine c'est vraiment ridicule heureusement que je je ne paye pas pour voir ça, je suis extrêmement déçu.

Pour moi cela ne fait plus de doute toutes ses personnes et même les couples se comportent de la même manière dans B4 ses gens et leur vie tout ça c'est qu'une mascarade ils ne vivent rien que pour nous divertir avec des spectacles de merde, je ne comprends pas comment certaines personnes sur ce forum arrivent encore à lieur trouver du crédit moi c'est fini je ne les crois plus.

Ce n'est pas la vraie vie ça non.


Masha and now Martina who performs in B4 with girls she barely knows, it's really ridiculous, luckily I'm not paying to see it, I'm extremely disappointed.

For me there is no doubt all his people and even couples behave the same way in B4 his people and their life is all a masquerade they live just to entertain us with shitty shows , I do not understand how some people on this forum still manage to find credit, it's over I no longer believe them.

It's not real life, no.

47 minutes ago, moos54 said:

il faut aussi prendre en compte que Martina est principalement venue voir Nelly parce qu'elle veut apprendre à parler russe, et ainsi elle peut aussi apprendre à Nelly à parler espagnol

Je ne vois rien de mal à ça

N'importe quoi, elle n'est certainement pas venue apprendre le Russe la preuve.

ça vous arrive souvent d'embrasser votre professeur de langues étrangères ?

c'est bon moos54 , c'est fini même vous arrêter de défendre ces gens.


Whatever, she certainly didn't come to learn Russian as proof.

do you often kiss your foreign language teacher?

it's good moos54, it's over even stop defending these people



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36 minutes ago, moos54 said:

it is not a question of liking or not this kind of thing, and especially I base my thoughts on what I see every day for at least 3 years, date on which the couple appeared on the site, which is not your case

This is not the first time that Martina has been away and returned the next day in a different state, which suggests that the evening was surely eventful and therefore that anything can happen.

we must also take into account that Martina mainly came to see Nelly because she wants to learn to speak Russian, and so she can also teach Nelly to speak Spanish

I don't see anything wrong with it

That’s excellent news since it seems she will reappear then 😊 except if they make the lessons online .. or maybe Nelly goes to Martina’s apartment. 

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4 hours ago, ddhm said:

Whenever something “ new “ occurs at RLC world , it simply gets BOOM 😎 Let’s hope for more of unexpected 😉


Nothing new has happened. It is the same kind of show they always perform.

The only difference is that RLC is now also burning the residents of the last remaining realistic apartments.

As with all other show girls, the enthusiasm will fade quickly and the show gets boring. RLC is missing real life. Real emotions, real motivation. No chaturbate like shows whose only goal is to pretend as something would happen.



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An unexpected but pleasant surprise to see Martina breach the Russian stronghold, being a Spanish lass, albeit just kissing with Megan in the bath. I was hoping it was going to develop into something more heavy duty les stuff but alas not to be but still it opens possibilities for the future? Hope springs eternal 🤞🙏

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