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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #33 (November)

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1 hour ago, omedo said:

Martina has told him everything.

Alberto et très tolérant avec Martina dans ce cas elle a beaucoup de chance.

Alberto and very tolerant of Martina in this case she is very lucky.

2 hours ago, moos54 said:

Au vue des maintenances que nous avons eu avant que Bogdan et Nelly ne redeviennent participants  je suis persuadé qu'ils ont tous déjà été présent dans l'appart de Martina et Alberto 

J'ai vraiment l'impression que Martina à fait une chose grave comme tuer quelqu'un alors qu'elle a juste passé une bonne soirée

Elle n'a rien fait de répréhensible, elle a discuté avec des filles, elle a mangé, elle a dansé, elle a joué à des jeux, elle a bu du vin et elle a simplement embrassé une fille, c'est pas la mort quand même 

Elle est assez grande pour décider de dire à Alberto ou non ce qu'il c'est passé cette nuit, comme elle est assez grande pour dire ce qu'elle fait quand elle fait d'autres soirées 

Pour moi-même un simple bisou sur la bouche c'est déjà une trahison dans le couple c'est comme cela que je vois les choses, je n'aimerais pas que ma femme me le face qu'elle me le dise ou non.

Martina n'est plus une adolescente qui se cherche donc le bisou non c'est de trop.


For myself, a simple kiss on the mouth is already a betrayal in the couple that's how I see things, I would not like my wife to face me whether she tells me or not.

Martina is no longer a teenager who is looking for a kiss, no it's too much.


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La prochaine fois ça sera au tour d'Alberto d'aller s'amuser avec les filles je serais curieux de voir la réaction de Martina si en plus il le lui dit.

De toute façon à partir du moment où elle a mis les pieds dans B4 s'est foutu car il y aura certainement d'autres visites de Martina là-bas et je pense qu'a la longue cela créera des disputes avec Alberto.

Maudit b4 qui pervertit les personnes qui y rentrent ce ne sera plus jamais comme avant, c'est comme si nous avions déjà perdu un appartement là.

Next time it will be Alberto's turn to go have fun with the girls. I would be curious to see Martina's reaction if he tells her as well.

Anyway from the moment she set foot in B4 screwed up because there will certainly be other visits from Martina there and I think that in the long run it will create arguments with Alberto.

Cursed b4 which perverts the people who enter it will never be the same again, it is as if we had already lost an apartment there.

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13 hours ago, scoutouyoufe said:

La prochaine fois ça sera au tour d'Alberto d'aller s'amuser avec les filles je serais curieux de voir la réaction de Martina si en plus il le lui dit.

De toute façon à partir du moment où elle a mis les pieds dans B4 s'est foutu car il y aura certainement d'autres visites de Martina là-bas et je pense qu'a la longue cela créera des disputes avec Alberto.

Maudit b4 qui pervertit les personnes qui y rentrent ce ne sera plus jamais comme avant, c'est comme si nous avions déjà perdu un appartement là.

Next time it will be Alberto's turn to go have fun with the girls. I would be curious to see Martina's reaction if he tells her as well.

Anyway from the moment she set foot in B4 screwed up because there will certainly be other visits from Martina there and I think that in the long run it will create arguments with Alberto.

Cursed b4 which perverts the people who enter it will never be the same again, it is as if we had already lost an apartment there.


Why should Alberto be jealous when he can fuck Nelly to make up for it. I am still waiting for Bodgan to finally have sex with Magan. 😏

It' s about time that the guys also get some fun with the other girls. It is show time.  

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15 minutes ago, Alladino said:


Perché Alberto dovrebbe essere geloso quando può scopare Nelly per rimediare. Sto ancora aspettando che Bodgan faccia finalmente sesso con Magan. 

E 'ora che i ragazzi si divertano anche con le altre ragazze. È l'ora dello spettacolo.  

Megan non scoperà con nessuno, e non farà mai spettacoli con altri ragazzi come quelli che fà con il suo fidanzato coinvolgendo altre ragazze.

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12 hours ago, Mauri said:

Megan will not fuck with anyone, and she will never do shows with other guys like the ones she does with her boyfriend involving other girls.

Why not, it is seem to be quite normal nowadays to become sexual with each other at a party. 😏

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12 hours ago, Mauri said:

trust me. Megan will not do sex shows with another guy,

Does not necessarily have to be Magan. I think Bogdan would also be happy if he could have sex with Holly. Otherwise it will be difficult to convince Bogdan that Nelly can have sex with Alberto. 😏

I think we all need to become a little more modern. After all, it is showtime.  

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1 minute ago, Alladino said:

Non deve essere necessariamente Magan. Penso che anche Bogdan sarebbe felice se potesse fare sesso con Holly. Altrimenti sarà difficile convincere Bogdan che Nelly può fare sesso con Alberto. 

Penso che tutti dobbiamo diventare un po 'più moderni. Dopotutto, è l'ora dello spettacolo.  

l'unica cosa che potrebbe accadere è che Nelly partecipi ad una lesbicata, per il resto, dimenticalo. Megan farà gli spettacoli soltanto con il fidanzato e coinvolgendo altre ragazze ad unirsi, se Holly o qualunque altra ragazza, portasse un ragazzo a casa, Megan starebbe chiusa nella sua stanza da sola, o se viene coinvolta, non sarà per giochi di nudità o massaggi e masturbazioni collettivi 

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12 hours ago, Mauri said:

the only thing that could happen is that Nelly participates in a lesbian, otherwise, forget it. Megan will only do the shows with her boyfriend and involve other girls to join, if Holly or any other girl brings a boyfriend home, Megan will be locked in her room alone, or if she gets involved, it won't be for nudity games or massages and collective masturbation. 

I think Megan would have fun, having sex with Bodgan. At least Nelly looks normaly satisfied. 😏

But as I said, I think Bodgan would also have fun having sex with Holly. It does not necessarily have to be Megan. 😏

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