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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #34 (November)

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I'll go on record that I'm absolutely in love with Martina.  She's damn near perfect.  Gorgeous face, fantastic body, and acts naturally.  If I were Alberto, I would do whatever it took to keep her happy and with me.  It sucks she smokes, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.  Nobody is perfect.  Holly is also gorgeous with a killer body, but acts slutty like the rest of them.  Martina has only acted a bit like that at B4.  I just don't want her to turn into one of the rest of them.  Just my humble opinion.

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1 hour ago, ewerest said:

I'm not abons, can't watch how many men are in the villa right now and is there a warm atmosphere?

They were 3 men in the beginning , all having relations with girls at the party 

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9 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Le plus important est qu'ils restent avec RLC aussi longtemps qu'ils en ont envie ou qu'ils veulent et ne se font pas botter comme Carla et Yanai .. alors, nous pouvons voir à coup sûr beaucoup de personnel tant que la porte de la villa s'est ouverte pour les deux d'entre eux 😊

Nous ne connaissons toujours pas la raison du retrait de Carla et Yanai mais s'il s'agit d'un manque de trésorerie de RLC cela pourrait arriver à n'importe quel couple encore présent.

Et comme le support de RLC laisse sous-entendre qu'un retour de Carla et Yanais ne serait pas impossible je ne serais pas surpris de les voir faire une apparition en tant qu'inviter dans B4.

We still don't know the reason for Carla and Yanai's withdrawal but if it is a lack of cash from RLC it could happen to any couple still present.

And since RLC's support hints that a return of Carla and Yanais wouldn't be impossible, I wouldn't be surprised to see them make an appearance as a guest in B4.

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1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

Why is Martina fucking another cock even a point of discussion? Who actually thinks she's going to have sex with another guy? And what guy is going to fuck her? There isn't even an available guy there. Some of yall blow shit way out of proportion for absolutely no reason. Geez just chill out and enjoy the evening.

Excellent said 😊

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1 hour ago, Moosecini said:

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK just not Gina.  She has turned into a complete crack whore!

Gina is herself , party going and enjoying , exactly as a girl of 25 years of age  should do 😊

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