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A rant topic to talk about clubs. 

@StnCld316 I guess whenever the discussion becomes about clubs you can ditch it here. I hope that incudes when the clubs members start to feel special and let everyone know how much better they are then everyone else. Surely anything like that goes straight into being off topic. 

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20 minutes ago, squish said:

None of these problems seem to exist within the Club however. Funny that.

the answer is quite simple. the members of the club are in the in-group. you are all part of a brotherhood now and the access to the top level information and content keeps everyone in order and friendly. i know this very well because, as you may or may not know, i was once in a sort of over the public forum club too and i too once did the same kinds of things that you guys are doing now. i know that it feels good to belong to a team of like minded others. i guess for us lowely individuals down here, we have to wonder why you don't just stay in your bubble of perfection free from friction, criticism, or disagreement? the members of the other clubs don't come here to announce such things as you just did. they are invisible and they don't poke at other non-members. i can only read one thing into your comment and that is just another snide remark toward those who aren't privliedged enough to be in your click. it's actually very childish. everything i predicted would come of this club has come true. there are inherent dynamics that naturally come with such orders and yours is no different. i accept that you guys have a need for such a place in order to be your true selves and express yourselves outside of the scrutiny of other members who would otherwise disagree or god forbid be privy to some bit of insight or knowledge. i hope that it makes you happy. i'm not angry or upset about it, I'm just expressing my views. have a nice day! 

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Hi Amy
I asked myself a question, do you use PM?
I'm sure you do it and very regularly, either what's the difference between chatting in PM or chatting in a CLUB?
Both are designed so that people have a way to chat with each other without the whole forum knowing what they may be saying.

Just like the CLUB, you can converse with lots of people at the same time with the PM

So seeing that you are using this communication system, why would you want to argue about another? Just because you feel left out?

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29 minutes ago, moos54 said:

Hi Amy
I asked myself a question, do you use PM?
I'm sure you do it and very regularly, either what's the difference between chatting in PM or chatting in a CLUB?
Both are designed so that people have a way to chat with each other without the whole forum knowing what they may be saying.

Just like the CLUB, you can converse with lots of people at the same time with the PM

So seeing that you are using this communication system, why would you want to argue about another? Just because you feel left out?

The difference is the number of members and the structure of the conversation. Within a club one can essentially build an identical forum as the public forum and make themsleves Admin. I know because I have done it myself. I actually ran a fairly large forum inside of a club once. Then as public members prove themselves worthy they can be beamed up into the promise land of the good stuff and the public forum suffers the loss. The number of members in clubs is not small. The number of posts in the clubs is not small. In my view they are a theft of the Admin's site in the sense that they steal away his reportable content that has an impact on his internet ranking and ad worth. I find it very odd that he seems to not care about that. The drop in ranking is sustantial since the inception jabbath's club in particular.

It's not that I'm upset that I am left out. I don't want to be in a secret club. I guess my issue is that these clubs steal members and content away from the public forum. They make the members of the club somewhat not their true character in public as they are in the safety of a club. I know what happens in clubs and they are not always so kind to members who are in the out-group. The brotherhood of a club sets up a dynamic that has predictible consequences that can and do come across as bullying towards non-members. If you cannot see this born out in the public forum, I would say your not looking at it through the proper eyes. You, I know, visit the clubs quite frequently and so you in my view you are corrupted by them as they provide access to information and content that you would not other be privy to. You too must be one of them else risk the loss of access. I do not think that a moderator should participate in clubs. You don't participate in PMs, so you also should not be a member of a club because it skews your objeectivity.

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I'm sorry but you can also do a lot of things in PM and have a lot of members too
and that also puts members out of the public forum
You even when you do PM you put yourself outside the public forum

I have often seen you refer to this famous club whose misdeeds you often denounce on the public forum, except that often it is quite calm in this club because the members talk and share a lot more in the public forum

Maybe these clubs aren't the best idea we've had but they are an integral part of this forum now.

And they don't have as much influence on the flow of the public forum as you think you know, I'm even convinced that there is a lot more flow with PMs and yet I have never seen anyone to complain about that 

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41 minutes ago, AmyAmyAmy said:

I do not think that a moderator should participate in clubs. You don't participate in PMs, so you also should not be a member of a club because it skews your objectivity.

In other words the whole system has gone out of control and yet no one has the balls to do anything about it at. Forum menbers just have to put up with the constant whinging of these club members and yet when other try to reply they just get swamped with critical comments from those club members as though they are in the wrong and shouldn't have the right to be on CC and state their views. And what do the hierarchy do? Absolutely nothing but resort to banning members in the public forum for having the nerve to hit back from this constant whinging from those who think they know better. What a shambles eh.

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6 minutes ago, moos54 said:

I'm sorry but you can also do a lot of things in PM and have a lot of members too
and that also puts members out of the public forum
You even when you do PM you put yourself outside the public forum

I have often seen you refer to this famous club whose misdeeds you often denounce on the public forum, except that often it is quite calm in this club because the members talk and share a lot more in the public forum

Maybe these clubs aren't the best idea we've had but they are an integral part of this forum now.

And they don't have as much influence on the flow of the public forum as you think you know, I'm even convinced that there is a lot more flow with PMs and yet I have never seen anyone to complain about that 

You may as well get the pleasure of my opinion just in case you missed it :biggrin: 

In other words the whole system has gone out of control and yet no one has the balls to do anything about it at. Forum menbers just have to put up with the constant whinging of these club members and yet when other try to reply they just get swamped with critical comments from those club members as though they are in the wrong and shouldn't have the right to be on CC and state their views. And what do the hierarchy do? Absolutely nothing but resort to banning members in the public forum for having the nerve to hit back from this constant whinging from those who think they know better. What a shambles eh.

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I think we must above all ask the right questions, what does VHTV offer since the creation of this famous club, in fact not much new and above all they have changed direction by opening more and more apartments with camgirls and porn actresses
We can see that this does not interest the members of this forum more than that even if it has allowed VHTV to gain subscriptions

I sincerely think that the contents of these sites have much more influence on the members of this forum than to have created a club within the forum

For the fact that there is a divide between the members of this club and certain members of the public forum, I think that the fault is in the two camps which are too proud and stubborn to put water in its wine so that everyone can enjoy the experience of these sites

I also sincerely think that some members also scare away members of the forum for fear of verbal reprisals, it goes both ways, whether positively or negatively

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11 minutes ago, Robwin said:

You may as well get the pleasure of my opinion just in case you missed it :biggrin: 

In other words the whole system has gone out of control and yet no one has the balls to do anything about it at. Forum menbers just have to put up with the constant whinging of these club members and yet when other try to reply they just get swamped with critical comments from those club members as though they are in the wrong and shouldn't have the right to be on CC and state their views. And what do the hierarchy do? Absolutely nothing but resort to banning members in the public forum for having the nerve to hit back from this constant whinging from those who think they know better. What a shambles eh.

We have complaints from a lot of people who are not necessarily part of these clubs, so that means that the problem does not necessarily come from that only
the system is not perfect, we are not perfect, but we try to do the best
People have convictions and like to defend them, personally I have nothing against that since I have mine
If I listened to myself, sometimes I would punish everyone, we must not forget my avatar photo :biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, moos54 said:

I'm sorry but you can also do a lot of things in PM and have a lot of members too
and that also puts members out of the public forum
You even when you do PM you put yourself outside the public forum

I have often seen you refer to this famous club whose misdeeds you often denounce on the public forum, except that often it is quite calm in this club because the members talk and share a lot more in the public forum

Maybe these clubs aren't the best idea we've had but they are an integral part of this forum now.

And they don't have as much influence on the flow of the public forum as you think you know, I'm even convinced that there is a lot more flow with PMs and yet I have never seen anyone to complain about that 

Yes, you can, but it not the same as a built out forum with many members. I've done both and I know the difference. Generally people use PMs for quit chats or check-ins, but a club is a world that members can essentially live in and some do.

You make my point with the comment about how civil it is in the club. This is the theft of the Admins's proper forum. He should care about this loss as it has greatly impacted his internet ranking.

Generally, the club members in the other clubs are quiet about it. This one in particular was widely reported and circulated. Remember the dead links to the pics that required jabbath to admit the member into the club?  Plus, the other things to note, which you don't seem to be able to recognize is the fact that the members of this particular club often target members in the public forum in several ways. First and foremost, they have largely decided to mass ignore members even to the point of threatening other members if they do not comply with their demands to also ignore said members. They frequently team up and attempt to crush the ideas of public members who may say things that are contrary to the team model of behavior. Again, if you cannot see this as bullying then you are not looking and perhaps the reason is that you yourself are among them.

They may be part of the forum, but they are bad for the public forum for many reasons. The primary reason is that they are divisive.

Again PMs are generally only 1-2 people and they run more like a chat then they do as a forum. Since VHTV does not prohibit content, the primary purpose of a VHTV club is to deny access to certain other members. It creates a groupthink feeling of animosity towards other members and destroys the spirit of individuality and truth in character.

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I agree that Jabbath did not act well at the start of his club and that's also why we acted on our side
Did we do everything right, maybe not but that's how it is

you underestimate the power of the PM, you can easily do focus groups with at least 30 people or more and generate a lot more feed than a club

I know it from experience and yet these same members continue to discuss for certain on the public forum

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12 minutes ago, moos54 said:

I think we must above all ask the right questions, what does VHTV offer since the creation of this famous club, in fact not much new and above all they have changed direction by opening more and more apartments with camgirls and porn actresses
We can see that this does not interest the members of this forum more than that even if it has allowed VHTV to gain subscriptions

I sincerely think that the contents of these sites have much more influence on the members of this forum than to have created a club within the forum

For the fact that there is a divide between the members of this club and certain members of the public forum, I think that the fault is in the two camps which are too proud and stubborn to put water in its wine so that everyone can enjoy the experience of these sites

I also sincerely think that some members also scare away members of the forum for fear of verbal reprisals, it goes both ways, whether positively or negatively

I am more then happy to forgive and forget and move on. You fail to see the flip side of the coin and to see how they too shame away members of the public forum. You have alligance with them and so you cannot be objective in your judgement. They are a large group of your most promient posters and they are purposely coordinating an effort  from within their club to ignore and shun members with the effort of a team and you think that this is harmless and that the members in the public forums should just roll over to it? This club is a bully and it has been proven to be a bully many times over. It's members are not individuals anymore they are part of a team. They are the preppy kids in high-school who have all the connections to the cool kid parties and they are purposely targeting the underclass and you moderators have for a long time just turned your head to what is really going on. To the demise of the public forum even and yet I am the problem for speaking out against it.

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