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I had a couple of classic car forums. One died off and the second one is due to die at the beginning of January. The hosts are getting ridiculous in their asking costs when technology has created tons of space for near nothing. I'm not paying it and I'm not going to go through the grief of moving the boards to a cheaper host when all they have are lead in prices. Forums for the most part have had a good 20 year run, but they are getting gray hair and dying off just like their members. The big thing now is Facebook, Twatter, IG and other social media hangouts. I have no interest in that.

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1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

I had a couple of classic car forums. One died off and the second one is due to die at the beginning of January. The hosts are getting ridiculous in their asking costs when technology has created tons of space for near nothing. I'm not paying it and I'm not going to go through the grief of moving the boards to a cheaper host when all they have are lead in prices. Forums for the most part have had a good 20 year run, but they are getting gray hair and dying off just like their members. The big thing now is Facebook, Twatter, IG and other social media hangouts. I have no interest in that.

It's amazing how much people want to share every insignificant and significant detail of their lives even to what they eat on a night out lol. Just don't understand the mentality of many of them, to my mind much of it is just bragging for no apparent reason. Rather sad really. Much like the me me me me me brigade.

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8 hours ago, Robwin said:

It's amazing how much people want to share every insignificant and significant detail of their lives even to what they eat on a night out lol. Just don't understand the mentality of many of them, to my mind much of it is just bragging for no apparent reason. Rather sad really. Much like the me me me me me brigade.

This post is a bit strong pal yes/no😟

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No, Dave. I call it significantly factual. I know that you don't live in a cave. You must see what goes on, on the Internet. These forums and blogs of sorts are simply socially inept people that are screaming to be noticed. Look at me, look at me! I have hundreds of 'friends'. 

The real truth is, they haven't a clue who any of these other people are. They wouldn't know them if they tripped over them laying on the street dead.


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i guess the question that baffles me the most about what hsppened to cc is this, why did you guys let me get to you so badly that you collectively thought that splitting off the public forums into clubs was the only answer to deal with my negativity? jabs clubs was specifically created to make a place to avoid me and really a few others who poking fun about him posting so many pics of Melissa or otherwise. i guess it just amazes me that you guys felt like this was the best option. it wasn't. i've argued that it was actually worse than anything i ever did. it was selfish. it put those in the inner group up on a pedestal. an upper eschelon of cc members. those who are good and right above the negative ones they left behind. we are not equals anymore. it was selfish and self-serving. it made the leaders of the club the gatekeepers of "the good stuff" and direction on how to be and if you agree with them and follow their ideals of what is good and fun, then welcome to the promised land. oh sure, the public forums are there and couldn't be entirely abandoned. after all the club couldn't be too successful. plus, the public forum does serve vhtv and it wouldn't right to abandon them. duty does call. so, the attention is split to serve both ends of the spectrum, yet the divide is there. the wall between the us's and them's is there. the result remains a place of divisiveness and division of ranks. there is nothing wrong with the content on the sites, we carried a pitiful Voyeur-Villa for years with a handful of tenants. no, the problem with the cc forums isn't the content, the problem is us and what we have done, all of us, together. this family is broken. we are all to blame. 

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Nothing seems to be a valid answer in a search.

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@TBG 150 I just check for camcaps.net on alexa site ranking. it os what it is, but i know this much, before jabbath's club in particular was re-opened and before Amy3 got banned, that ranking was under 20k. apparently, the admin can't seem to see the connection as to why his ranking has dropped over 80k since these 2 events took place. apparently the reason is soley based on the lack of content worth posting about on the sites. i don't think that's the case, at least not enough to make for an 80k slide like that. my opinion is that it is the existence of these secret clubs and PMs that are driving his numbers down. up to this point the admin seems to not be willing to do anything to stop the bleeding. he now has rival admins who are running their own forums within his forum, but since they are invisible, he doesn't get any credit for them. 

i know for a fact that there are thousands of posts made in jabbath's club, and i know for a fact that there are more clubs. the RLC ones are somewhat understandable given that RLC bans content, but since VHTV does not, the only reason to create one is to avoid certain members of the board. it is a totally selfish act that harms the very site they feed off of. it just amazes me that the admin does nothing to stop them from stealing his site and members. the people in jabbath's club in particular essentially bully the public forum as a team. they have spoken or even unspoken rules for how to handle certain members of the forum. they mass ignore and shun people, they hold back from posting pics or sharing information in public and it's all designed to hurt certain members, but primarily their ultimate goal is to get the admin to ban me and perhaps other bad people, who they don't like. 

meanwhile, i watch the admin's number slide into the toilet and wonder.

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right now there are 160 members and 17 anonymous members online. there are a barely a handful of comments posted in the vhtv forums in the last day. why is that? clearly there are 177 people here looking for something. what are they doing? people join a forum and have nothing to say? 177 of them. the 400 guests i can understand are just scouring for stuff, but to join and say nothing? why?

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I really want to ask, why you care? It's not your forum, you have no monetary investment other than a membership fee if you chose to pay. You own none of the sites which are featured here, so you can't lose sleep wondering if they will be shut down.

If Admin doesn't care, then you shouldn't care. How about the other Depraved Media site? I don't know the name off hand, but it is all but history, yet he still pumps money into it and it's nothing but a private board among the members. Publicly, it's dead in the water.

You are giving yourself indigestion over something of which you have no control. Ride it out until the doors close. If they do!

Go to your window, open it and yell out, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Then let me know if it did any good beside making you feel better about yelling about something. 😉 

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