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US General Domestic Politics #1 Begins 01/01/21.

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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

TRUMP ist der Anführer der Revolution und verantwortlich für den Sturm auf das Capitol und verantwortlich für den Tod von Menschen. "Kill the Trump" - nach Kriegsrecht !! 😁😁


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Wenn diese desolate USA wieder Anerkennung in der Welt will, dann muß die USA so stark sein den Verbrecher und EX-Präsidenten  TRUMP  endgültig zu eliminieren. Keine Amtsenthebung ohne Ehre sondern Urteil nach Kriegsrecht wegen Aufruhr, Revolution und Mord. Das heißt 4 mal lebenslänglich oder Tod durch den Strang ! In den USA gibt es doch immer noch die Todesstrafe - oder nicht ???

Das ist nicht gut für Trump . 😁😁😁

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Durch seinen Wahn, nicht verlieren zu können, den Aufruf zu Aufruhr oder Revolution mit TOTEN  zu geben kann

dieser Dummkopf von Trump als erster US-Präsident in die US-Geschichte eingehen, der durch Urteil gekillt wird.

Gratulation Trump - Du bist der Größte - oder das größte Arschloch der US-Geschichte.  😒😁😒


Es ist mir völlig egal ob kleine US-Idioten den Text übersetzen oder nicht - Fakt ist Fakt.

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Oh.Every Someone has said what they wanna about Trump, no matter if that was bad or well, at end there's one fact after 20th of January, Trump's have no place anymore in white house, his leaf is fell down by what his did by his hands in his term of presidency, is who written last line on his presidency, And he certainly has no future as a Politician anymore. With all that I had knew about Trump's history, I might have expected that he would do something, but I didn't expect that he would do something tragicy or so dramatic like as whatever happened in the Congress building.And it's who decided what the history say at besides his name.(Night of jump onto the Capitol Hill) in 6th January 2021.It's worst ending to any American president at ever the history...😌

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

You mean just like Trump lied back in June when he said we could have a covid vaccine by the end of 2020?

the one that he failed to distribute effectively because he was too busy lying about the election?

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8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

They gave much more to Biden,especially the big tech people who censored Trump and censored anti- Biden stories during the election campaign. Check the records. Also, I'm one of the little guys and I got a tax cut.  You are the one who is brainwashed with DNC talking points.


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