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US General Domestic Politics #1 Begins 01/01/21.

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43 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And how many of those Democrat mail-in ballots will have forged signatures on the certification envelopes?

i think that you should go to every swing state & check every signature personally. then when you find the same amount of fraud evidence you can ride the bus back home courtesy of agent orange. under it of course.

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40 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

But the people didn't vote to remove Trump from office. The Senate protest will initiate a debate in the Senate to reveal the voter fraud which caused President Trump to be removed from office. Why are the swamp dwelling establishment Democrats and Republicans afraid to have that debate?

they want that debate so that they can see all of the evidence that donald has. it will be nice to see the rest of the republican traitors ruin what is left of their careers. it's amazing that you constantly ask everyone to prove everything yet your hero never ever ever ever has to prove anything.

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4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

The Global Monetary System crashes followed by the Stock Markets crashing wiping out millions of investors. Consumer spending and investments will drop forcing many companies to lay-off their workers and spark the greatest depression of all time.  

You must have heard of the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933.  Get ready we're heading for another one by 2025 or before. hey arnold nicksplat GIF     na8j.jpg

Thats what I'm afraid of. People probably pulled together and help each other out the last depression. I don't see people coming together these days. A lot of people automatically hate a person they've never met because they have differences politically. Its gonna be everyone for themselves. Depressing eh?

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Golfer: 34,235 likes out of 22,930 posts, Aussie_oi_oi: 6,869 likes out of 6,825 posts, Ashleyxyz: 11,871 likes out of 9,341 posts. Ridgerunner: 2,772 likes out of 10,740 posts.

Ridgerunner, you have clearly lost this debate with your senseless posts. Follow your idol and leader Trump and get lost as he soon has to.

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1 hour ago, Calle said:

Golfer: 34,235 likes out of 22,930 posts, Aussie_oi_oi: 6,869 likes out of 6,825 posts, Ashleyxyz: 11,871 likes out of 9,341 posts. Ridgerunner: 2,772 likes out of 10,740 posts.

Ridgerunner, you have clearly lost this debate with your senseless posts. Follow your idol and leader Trump and get lost as he soon has to.

I don't post comments to please other people. I post comments to express MY ideas. The vast majority on here are liberal progressives who hate Trump, so they will give a "like" to any comment that is negative to Trump or to me. I couldn't care less how many "likes" I do or don't receive. People who need the adulation of others to justify their beliefs are very shallow and insecure individuals who I have no respect for.  I have much more respect for those who separate themselves from the group think crowd and go their own way. 

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

People who need the adulation of others to justify their beliefs are very shallow and insecure individuals who I have no respect for.

You just can't stop talking about Trump can you!!

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