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US General Domestic Politics #3 Begins 01/25/21.

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Just now, O_U812 said:

But the GOP traitors go on record as voting NO, thus endangering themselves to be primaried in 22.  68% of the country wants Trump convicted.  Only 32% (You included) want acquittal.  

The vast majority of Republican voters do not want Trump convicted, so the Republicans endanger of being primaried are the ones who vote to convict like Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney. 

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Ben Sasse and Mitt Romney will probably vote to convict President Trump because they want to run for president in 2024 and know that they cannot beat him in the Republican presidential primary elections, so they need to eliminate him from the competition.

Oh Ridge, immer wieder tolle Witze von Dir - jenseits aller Realität. Ex-Nummer 45 (ich mag den Namen nicht mehr sagen - sonst muß ich kotzen 😒) wird null Chance haben 2024 als Kandidat der Republikaner zu kommen. Er wird im Gefängnis sitzen - oder schlimmer. Ob mit Amtsenthebung oder  ohne. Seine Reputation in den USA und in der Welt ist ein für alle mal tot. US-Gerichte sind hart bis ungerecht. Beweise für Straftaten Deines Mini-Helden auf vielen Ebenen sind schwerer als Stahl. Seine Chance den Kopf aus der Schlinge zu ziehen und FREI zu sein geht gegen "null Komma null". Suche Dir ein anderes Opfer für Deine langsam perverse und peinliche Affen-Liebe. 😁

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If Donald Trump is guilty of insurrection, then so is Kamala Harris for all summer long encouraging BLM and ANTIFA to loot, burn and destroy businesses and government buildings. She also raised money to bail the BLM and ANTIFA rioters out of jail.  

aren't you tired of fantasyland yet?

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

45 Republican Senators just voted in favor of a motion to declare the Trump impeachment trial unconstitutional. Sounds like it might be tough to get 67 votes for conviction.:cool:

no surprise. they are a bunch of pussies afraid of being called bad names. are you proud of them?

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