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US General Domestic Politics #3 Begins 01/25/21.

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Und wie viele Jahre, bis chinesische Soldaten auf den Straßen Berlins patrouillieren? 😉

Ich habe keine Angst vor chinesischen Soldaten in Berlin. Ich liebe chinesisch - zum fressen gerne. Jeder aggressive Ami-Soldat ist einer zu viel. Nur Idioten melden sich in USA zum Dienst im Ausland - DU weißt was ich meine ??  Schweine in Uniform. 😁

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

I know, man made global warming ended the Ice Age, right? LMAO

you are clueless about reality. but her is some good news for you & the rest of the cult.  


Fully 81% of Republican voters still get warm fuzzies when they think of Donald Trump, with 54% feeling "strongly" about their adoration, according to a newly released Politico/Morning Consult survey taken...


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

I am not afraid of Chinese soldiers in Berlin. I love chinese - like to eat. Every aggressive American soldier is one too many. Only idiots sign up for service abroad in the USA - YOU know what I mean ?? Pigs in uniform. 😁

Germany deserves Chinese troops in their streets.  You might be one of the first people they execute for having too big a mouth.

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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Anyone who believes that humans can change the climate is an idiot.

Ich bedauere Dich - Du hast keine Ahnung, wie dein ASS von Trump. Der Mensch ist ein dummes Individuum, kein Tier zerstört seine eigene Lebensgrundlagre - dumme Menschen schaffen das. Intelligente Menschen setzen nun ihr Gehirn ein. Dummkopfe ohne Gehirn plappern weiter Unsinn, wie NAZI-Trump, Ridg und Idioten die das Capitol geschändet haben. Schäme Dich. 😁

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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

I regret you - you have no idea how your ASS from Trump. Man is a stupid individual, no animal destroys its own livelihood - stupid people can do it. Intelligent people now use their brains. Fools without a brain keep babbling nonsense, like NAZI-Trump, Ridg and idiots who desecrated the Capitol. Shame on you. 😁

Shame on your mother and father for conceiving you.😉

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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

Testimony delivered on Tuesday by the acting chief of the Capitol Police made it clear that in advance of the Jan. 6 insurgency, police were expecting armed militias and white supremacists to descend on the...


That sort of blows a hole in the charge that Trump's Jan. 6 speech incited the invasion of of the Capitol Building, doesn't it?  Like I said before, arrest the fools who stormed the Capitol, try them, and put them in prison for many years. 

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