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Idiom meanings.....Just for Budda's benefit.


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  1. “Hit the hay.” “Sorry, guys, I have to hit the hay now!” .......................To go to bed.
  2. “Up in the air” .................................................................................................For discussion,to be settled or unresolved.
  3. “Stabbed in the back” ..................................................................................Do the dirty on someone or betrayed.
  4. “Takes two to tango” ...................................................................................Takes two to cause an argument or to divorce
  5. “Kill two birds with one stone.” .................................................................To achieve more than one thing by one action.
  6. “Piece of cake” ..............................................................................................Very easy or simple.
  7. “Costs an arm and a leg” ............................................................................Very expensive.
  8. “Break a leg”.....................................................................................................Have a go or attempt at something.
  9. Under the weather. What does it mean? ................................................Not very well or ill.
  10. The ball is in your court. ............................................................................Entirely up to you.
  11. Spill the beans. What does it mean? ......................................................Reveal a secret
  12. Pull someone's leg. What does it mean? ..............................................Have a joke on someone or trick someone.
  13. Sat on the fence. What does it mean? ..................................................Unable to make up your mind about two subjects.
  14. Through thick and thin...............................................................................To do a task by whatever means.
  15. Once in a blue moon...................................................................................Very rarely or not very often 
  16. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.........................................Let's not talk about that problem right now.
  17. Wrap your head around something........................................................Understand something complicated.
  18. You can say that again..............................................................................That's true, i agree.
  19. our guess is as good as mine..................................................................I have no idea.
  20. To bite the bullet.........................................................................................To endure pain or a situation.
  21. To jump the gun.............................................................................................To act hastily or too soon.
  22. A blessing in disguise.................................................................................A good thing that initially seemed bad.
  23. A dime a dozen............................................................................................Very common.
  24. Adding insult to injury................................................................................Making a bad situation worse.
  25. Beat around the bush.................................................................................Avoid sharing your true view.
  26. Beating a dead horse.................................................................................A waste of time.
  27. Best of both worlds...................................................................................Obtain the advantage from two things.
  28. Biting off more than you can chew.......................................................Taking on a task that is too difficult for you.
  29. By the skin of your teeth..........................................................................To complete something just in time.
  30. Don't judge a book by it's cover...........................................................A hasty opinion about something or someone that may not be true.
  31. Doing something at the drop of a hat.................................................To do something first time of asking.
  32. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.......................Do not assume something before it has happened.
  33. Caught between a rock and a hard place..........................................Making a choice between two unpleasant circumstances.
  34. Cutting corners..........................................................................................To complete a task not fully to save money.
  35. Devils advocate.........................................................................................Take the side of two arguments.
  36. Fit as a fiddle.............................................................................................,In good health.
  37. Getting a taste of your own medicine................................................Being treated the same as you have done to others.
  38. Getting a second wind...........................................................................Suddenly to find more energy.
  39. Giving someone the cold shoulder.....................................................To ignore someone.
  40. Going on a wild goose chase..............................................................Doing something that is useless.
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34 minutes ago, Robwin said:

That will do for now there are many many more.

Awesome list Rob and you're right, there are many many more!!

Flash in the pan..............................one hit wonder

Don't take any wooden nickles.....don't be fooled

sorry, that's all I got for now lmao.

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1 hour ago, Robwin said:

That will do for now there are many many more.

I pretty much knew all of them but does 35. not mean to take the side of the more unpoplular side or the the side which most likely will lose the argument? At least in German it has that meaning. 

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49 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

I pretty much knew all of them but does 35. not mean to take the side of the more unpoplular side or the the side which most likely will lose the argument? At least in German it has that meaning. 

Well a more exact explanation would be..........................Someone who pretends, in an argument or discussion, to be against an idea or plan that a lot of people support, in order to make people discuss and consider it in more detail.

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Awesome list Rob and you're right, there are many many more!!

Flash in the pan..............................one hit wonder

Don't take any wooden nickles.....don't be fooled

sorry, that's all I got for now lmao.

Cheapskate lol, only two? Will give you more tomorrow when I got a bit more time and my fingers are in a better mood :biggrin:

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39 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Well a more exact explanation would be..........................Someone who pretends, in an argument or discussion, to be against an idea or plan that a lot of people support, in order to make people discuss and consider it in more detail.

That was what I wanted to say 😁

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