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Mirana & Bahus (2021) Part #1

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6 minutes ago, coolcucumber said:

This apartment had so much potential when Terry was there and the guest guy used to bring so many beautiful girls everyday, yeah the guest guy was a douchebag but since Terry left this apartment has gone so down in my list that i rarely watch

Agree, just like Stills place so many beautiful girls.

now we get to watch same ole Diana get drunk an  mad, and pucks

and she seems to be the only one to have sex, been a couple others, but the girls not the attractive, with the exception of the last 2 . 

so bring Still in as a decoy ,just like Scott is doing with Ben

we all know its still probably Scotts place. hell he still sleeps in his own bed lol


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29 minutes ago, coolcucumber said:

У этой квартиры был такой большой потенциал, когда там был Терри, а гость приводил так много красивых девушек каждый день, да, этот гость был придурком, но с тех пор, как Терри ушел, эта квартира настолько исчезла в моем списке, что я редко смотрю

Terry had sex with everyone, I liked looking at this whore, but the black guy took her with him

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