Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 10 hours ago, golfer06 said: as usual you understand nothing about economics. when regular people have money they spend it. businesses will sell more products, make more money, hire more people, sell more products, make more money, hire more people, etc. And the price of all those products and services will increase because of the increased cost to operate a business. Therefore, the people receiving the minimum wage of $15/hr. will be no better off than they were when the minimum wage was $8 or $10 per hour.
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 9 hours ago, golfer06 said: i would love to see troops come home. but they are there to protect us. withdrawal of troops should be a well thought out process not a spur of the moment, on a whim decision from a moron leader only interested in himself. So when are you going to your local military recruiter to enlist so that you can do your part to protect the world?
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 9 hours ago, golfer06 said: how are you & your new neighbor max getting along inside dear leader's asshole? You are so fucking boring and have such a limited mind.
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 8 hours ago, golfer06 said: Lost voice and Lost cause: there will be blood spilled by Trumpists WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Violence is not the only way political voice is uttered in a democracy, but the GQP wants it to leverage their reclaiming power. Last week, the Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump of the charge... Too bad no one has told ANTIFA, BLM, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi that, "Violence is not the only way political voice is uttered in a democracy."
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 5 hours ago, golfer06 said: Lindsey Graham is very concerned about Biden's decision to leave a small gap in Trump's useless wall WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Apparently Lindsey Graham was none too concerned about the galaxy-sized gap in our nation’s credibility after he voted to acquit Donald John Trump— twice —of eminently impeachable offenses. ... Both impeachments were unconstitutional.
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 9 hours ago, golfer06 said: Lost voice and Lost cause: there will be blood spilled by Trumpists WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Violence is not the only way political voice is uttered in a democracy, but the GQP wants it to leverage their reclaiming power. Last week, the Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump of the charge... "A source close to the White House" is code for this is a story someone at CNN made up.
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 2 hours ago, O_U812 said: And played with his pussy.......cat. Still doesn't change the fact that you are too much of a coward to join the military and do your part to protect the world. 😉
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 The other day "Lurch", John Kerry, said that we have only 9 years to save the earth from climate change. With the way the Democrats have exploited the covid crisis to control the lives of Americans I hate to think of how they will use the climate "crisis" hoax to impose even more dire restrictions upon every aspect of American's lives. Like Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Ridgerunner Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 9 hours ago, golfer06 said: PROUD BOY Dominic 'SPAZ' Pezzola 'Consumed With Guilt'... Why? Because He's GUILTY Of 'TERRORISM!!' WWW.DAILYKOS.COM This violent psychopath would like us to believe he’s remorseful... WUSA9 ...[I]n a new filing, Pezzola’s lawyer, Jonathan Zucker, says his client’s participation in the Capitol riot was an “aberration in an... So? Convict him and send him to prison for a long time.
StarLight28 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 18 hours ago, maxfactor said: Canada doesn't have a president you stupid Nazi. Stay the fuck in your own lane. immer reden Sie hier von Arbeitslosen und wie schlecht alles ist. Ich habe Sie höflich gebeten konkrete Vorschläge zu machen, was Politiker tun sollen um die Situation zu bessern. Als Antwort null Reales, aber Beleidigungen meiner Person. Du nennst mich Nazi obwohl Du Trump-Ankänger von diesem fiesen US-Nazi bist. Also bist auch Du ein kleiner widerlicher NAZI von US-Trump-Nazi. Kack in die Hose Bubi - mit 10 Jahren kann man nur dumm sein. Ich habe Dir mit gutem Willen einen IQ von 200 unterstellt. Sorry, das war ein Fehler. Primaten haben einen IQ über 40. Du liegst deutlich unter dem Wert. UgaUga. Sogar Ridge seine arme Pussy-Cat ist sicher intelligenter als DU, Versager im Kostüm eines Menschen ! 😁 1
StarLight28 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 12 hours ago, golfer06 said: what a fortune! no wonder you back the traitor. actually that wasn't much to back the overthrow attempt of your country. Ich schäme mich für diesen arme Wichser, dessen Vorfahren aus Deutschland kamen. Natürlich ist Ridge neidisch und stolz zugleich auf Trump. Trump wirft mit Dollars um sich (die bald zurück fließen !! 😁) und Ridge, auch aus Deutschland stammend ist ein armes Schwein. Vielleicht fallen ja ein paar Krümel für ihn ab, wenn er dem Ass in den Arsch dringt. Armer Ridge. Wieviel Provision hat Dir Trump denn bereits bezahlt ? Du bist also käuflich ? Pfui. 😁 1
StarLight28 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 11 hours ago, O_U812 said: Ich habe den Verdacht, dass Trump nicht verfügbar sein wird. Trump signalisiert, dass er 2024 laufen will, während er sich auf die Rede auf einer konservativen Konferenz vorbereitet: NYT - Raw Story - 16 Jahre unabhängiger Journalismus WWW.RAWSTORY.COM Präsident Donald Trump signalisiert, dass er 2024 einen politischen Comeback-Versuch unternehmen will, selbst nachdem der tödliche Aufstand vom 6. Januar im US-Kapitol dazu geführt hatte, dass er angeklagt wurde ... Mit Haare ab und im gelben Overall im Gefängnis gefällt mir dieser Typ wirklich viel besser. 😁 1 1
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