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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #16 (March)

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3 hours ago, corvette84 said:

What part of it has nothing to do with Sera did you not get? Get your mind off Sera for once and maybe you'll understand what I'm saying. 🙄

Not you telling someone to get Serafima off their mind when she lives in your head free of charge 😂😂


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1 hour ago, corvette84 said:

I didn't realize how thick in the head you are. You just don't get it, I give up.🙄

You know, you don't need to worry.  She'll come home soon and take her rightful place back in your head.  You don't need to monitor her empty room so often.  You're single handily putting her empty room cam into the popular cams.

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Who is this new happy Radi ?

Two nights out, looks happy and relaxed with either C and C or now with A A M. Good onya, nobody bullying you, which no matter what you think of Sera, that is what she is now doing.

As above, its shite in her apartment, pretty much a prisoner in her own room. Talks with Ari but i don't think they share common interests. To me for her to enjoy her time she either needs to move or have Sera move. She can just take the cash, this is true, but when shes not bored and down she is more entertaining to us the viewer.

Thats my thoughts, right or wrong.


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