winnlove Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 emnv. Tu ne m'as pas répondu à ma question! J'attends ta réponse!
nagachilli2 Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 18 minutes ago, yelt said: What is so interesting about Alberto and Martina balcony? Very...if you're fan of watching people smoke... 1
redfan Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 14 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: Те са женени, няма абсолютно нищо общо с това. Нели откровено изневерява на Богдан пред целия свят, независимо как се опитвате да го оправдаете в собствения си ум !! Yes the unpleasant thing is that this is happening in front of many people!😉 1
redfan Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 Otherwise ,as they say in Bulgaria,with us,"Ïf they don't catch you,you are not guilty! 1
redole1999 Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 32 minutes ago redfan said: Martina's parents visited her apartment!I saw them in summer 2018.Then in the kitchen she and her father making paella,she looked into the camera and introduced him with the words:"Hola mi mundo!Este es mi padre!In spanish!So they know shelives in an apartment with cameras!I wonder if they follow the site? I hope for their sake they don't. 2
HarleyFatboy Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 4 hours ago, Kenpaul said: Yelt, Alberto had some reservations. I've never seen Alberto have reservations if Martina wanted to fuck. The consensus is they've been together for 9/10 years, doesn't it make one wonder if the attraction is starting wane on both sides? Especially Alberto. Maybe it will come down to, how good is the RLC money,and the free accommodations for Alberta's future with Martina. Good insight as always! LMAO....that seems to be the consensus of the majority in this forum. It's just an easy way for people to justify it in their own mind. My wife and I were going on 31 years of marriage when I lost her and we were always madly in love with each other and didn't stray outside our marriage. The problem now is that the people today as in the one's on RLC and in "real" life don't hold relationships true anymore. They would rather get all messed up on drugs and go out and have sex with a total stranger instead of being in a commented relationship and making it work. Unfortunately that is how the world is today....the majority of the marriages today don't even last 5 years!! The friends that I grew up with have all been married 25 years plus....if that doesn't tell you something, nothing will!! 1 1
redfan Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 19 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said: Много ... ако сте любители да гледате как хората пушат ... Hmmm,when there are no cameras,they both don't just smoke!😉
redfan Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: LMAO .... това изглежда е консенсусът на мнозинството в този форум. Това е просто лесен начин хората да го оправдаят в собствения си ум. Със съпругата ми щяхме да сключим 31-годишен брак, когато я загубих и винаги бяхме безумно влюбени един в друг и не се отклонихме извън брака си. Проблемът сега е, че хората днес, както в този на RLC, така и в „реалния“ живот, вече не поддържат отношенията верни. Те по-скоро биха се объркали с наркотици и излязоха и ще правят секс с напълно непознат, вместо да са в коментирана връзка и да го накарат да работи. За съжаление такъв е светът днес .... по-голямата част от браковете днес дори не продължават 5 години !! Приятелите, с които съм израснал, са били женени 25 години плюс .... ако това не ви казва нещо, нищо няма !! That's right Harley,you're absolutely right!Sorry for you loss and congratulations on the accurate assessment! 1 1
HarleyFatboy Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 2 hours ago, emnv said: Martina is an open book, she tells everything to Alberto (in Valencian), to her mother, brother and friend Marta (in Spanish) and to Nelly (half Spanish, half Russian, some English). I doubt that "RLC" has this kind of information about the participants, in fact I doubt they have any kind of information at all 😕. I'm not hear to criticize your translations with what I am fixing to say so please don't take anything wrong from it. I just hope you understand that what you are hearing is only what they want you to hear. Some of it may be factual and some of it because of them knowing there are translators on this forum, not factual at all. My point is this...could it be possible that they never left Barcelona but instead they packed a few clothes for a weekend together in one of the offline apartments? I'm not saying I don't believe what you are telling us, I'm merely saying that unless you or I or anyone else was with them on this trip, nobody knows for sure where they went. My apologies to the forum if EMNV takes this the wrong way and stops translating their conversations. 2
HarleyFatboy Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 1 hour ago, yelt said: I also sense Nelly is no where near as honest. 100% CORRECT!!
sills Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 C'est vrai Nelly va faire comme avec les autres filles. Elle va se lasser de Martina. Martina n'est qu'un bon coup pour Nelly. 1
yelt Posted March 28, 2021 Posted March 28, 2021 3 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: I'm not hear to criticize your translations with what I am fixing to say so please don't take anything wrong from it. I just hope you understand that what you are hearing is only what they want you to hear. Some of it may be factual and some of it because of them knowing there are translators on this forum, not factual at all. My point is this...could it be possible that they never left Barcelona but instead the packed a few clothes for a weekend together in one of the offline apartments? I'm not saying I don't believe what you are telling us, I'm merely saying that unless you or I or anyone else was with them on this trip, nobody knows for sure where they went. My apologies to the forum if EMNV takes this the wrong way and stops translating their conversations. Wow! Excellent Point! So if she and Nelly did not go to her parents, they both lied! 1 1 1
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