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B2 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #8 (March)

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

È la prima volta che vediamo da quando sono residenti un così grande raduno con persone sconosciute. Abbiamo sentito voci di Ariana e Holly a feste illegali ... la scorsa settimana Gina, Martina e Nelly avrebbero dovuto andare all'una ... tutte fuori dalle telecamere. hanno le "palle" per farlo davanti alle telecamere quando sanno già che avranno un cazzo per quello. 

Non e’ la prima volta, ho ripetuto quello cha hai detto tu. E questa festa ti ha smentito

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

Sei tu quello che prima ga detto che a causa della pandemia non potevano fare feste, socializzare e cose varie

They can’t .. everything is closed .  Nothing is allowed ., but no one also can’t control if someone is at someone else’s house .. it is a matter of personal responsibility .. whoever has the address , can send a message or phone Barcelona police and go and arrest everyone ., it is simple .. but police is to protect and serve and not to control human behaviors 

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4 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Sorry DD...you are totally wrong here, and they are indefensible, and you haven't a leg to stand on here with your arguments...

I will say it differently .. and I apologize of how it is going to sound ... i ask directly , aren’t anyone of us here not acting the same because we don’t want or because we can’t ? I believe that most of us accuse the people here because they break the law and we are kind of jealous that they do this when everyone of us can’t do it . 

Sorry i have to argue with everyone , personally I wouldn’t do it but I repeat , i don’t accuse them . 

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Non possono ... è tutto chiuso. Niente è permesso, ma nessuno può nemmeno controllare se qualcuno è a casa di qualcun altro .. è una questione di responsabilità personale .. chi ha l'indirizzo, può inviare un messaggio o telefonare alla polizia di Barcellona e andare ad arrestare tutti. , è semplice .. ma la polizia deve proteggere e servire e non controllare i comportamenti umani 

Oh.. si lo vedo come controllano, c’e’ il coprifuoco alle 22, e questi ragazzi da dove sono usciti? Dai tombini?

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Just now, Mauri said:

Oh.. si lo vedo come controllano, c’e’ il coprifuoco alle 22, e questi ragazzi da dove sono usciti? Dai tombini?

I don’t know how they move . If they break the law , it is their own responsibility and police that can’t control anyone , it is impossible . But police can’t control human nature . 

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

I will say it differently .. and I apologize of how it is going to sound ... i ask directly , aren’t anyone of us here not acting the same because we don’t want or because we can’t ? I believe that most of us accuse the people here because they break the law and we are kind of jealous that they do this when everyone of us can’t do it . 

Sorry i have to argue with everyone , personally I wouldn’t do it but I repeat , i don’t accuse them . 

You're getting embarrassing defending them, I'm afraid...
I won't watch B2 out of principal, I'm afraid...The way the girls flaunt the Covid restrictions really pisses me off. You get a coach load of guys piling into B2, and I can't even enter my sisters fucking house!!

I really hope they get busted tonight...


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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

Non so come si muovono. Se infrangono la legge, è loro responsabilità e la polizia non può controllare nessuno, è impossibile. Ma la polizia non può controllare la natura umana. 

Ora prendi le loro difese soltanto perche’ e’ questo che volevi vedere😂e stai soerando in qualche scopata di gruppo😂😂

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5 minutes ago, rosey 1 said:

Would  you still like to give them a raise if this becomes a super spreader event?:smile:

I have no idea if these people are vaccinated . If they have made personal Covid tests . I have no idea about these people . I say they are wrong and it is a matter of personal behavior . If you know that you will create a problem and you will still going to do it , it is a matter of personal maturity . But once again. , these people act like human , irresponsible but human . Let’s bring the police to arrest them because 12-13 people gathered in a house when it might be that they do and obey at all hygiene protecting measures . 

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

I will say it differently .. and I apologize of how it is going to sound ... i ask directly , aren’t anyone of us here not acting the same because we don’t want or because we can’t ? I believe that most of us accuse the people here because they break the law and we are kind of jealous that they do this when everyone of us can’t do it . 

Sorry i have to argue with everyone , personally I wouldn’t do it but I repeat , i don’t accuse them . 

Don't be sorry because you're not arguing with me, but you are showing your naivety. The police are there to enforce laws. Sometimes human nature causes people to disobey the law. Is that clear to you? so don't  use that logic again, please.

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