TBG 150 Posted March 18, 2014 Posted March 18, 2014 I don't buy into any of that crap anymore. One of the foundations I supported the most even let me down. The Wounded Warrior Project was found to have only given away roughly 10 cents for every dollar that was donated to them. And I am sure some of you don't know that the WWP is only a distributor. They give money to local charities that you yourself can donate to VFW is a big one. WWP let me down, now if I see a fellow soldier in need I just give him/her money without them knowing. A lot of soldiers wont take your money you have to be secretive about it. I have been enlisted for 11 years so before you hammer me for raising heck about the WWP. Dig a little deeper into the charities you donate to. When they take a percentage of what's donated is called an Administrative Fee. No one does anything for nothing anymore. Administrative Fee my ass. These pricks keep 90% of what you give. The guys that put their lives on the line get shit. Don't give your money to any of these shysters. Same with the bums with the signs that say homeless vet. Ask them a few questions and you'll know who is a Vet and who is a con. These bums that pose as Vets should be keel-hauled. They are the posers that hauled ass to Canada during the draft. I chose who gets my money. All Gave Some-Some Gave All Semper Fi
Linked Posted March 18, 2014 Posted March 18, 2014 I don't buy into any of that crap anymore. One of the foundations I supported the most even let me down. The Wounded Warrior Project was found to have only given away roughly 10 cents for every dollar that was donated to them. And I am sure some of you don't know that the WWP is only a distributor. They give money to local charities that you yourself can donate to VFW is a big one. WWP let me down, now if I see a fellow soldier in need I just give him/her money without them knowing. A lot of soldiers wont take your money you have to be secretive about it. I have been enlisted for 11 years so before you hammer me for raising heck about the WWP. Dig a little deeper into the charities you donate to. When they take a percentage of what's donated is called an Administrative Fee. No one does anything for nothing anymore. Administrative Fee my ass. These pricks keep 90% of what you give. The guys that put their lives on the line get shit. Don't give your money to any of these shysters. Same with the bums with the signs that say homeless vet. Ask them a few questions and you'll know who is a Vet and who is a con. These bums that pose as Vets should be keel-hauled. They are the posers that hauled ass to Canada during the draft. I chose who gets my money. All Gave Some-Some Gave All Semper Fi I watched a guy get out of his Tractor-trailer and go hold up a sign out on the corner of a Walmart that said homeless Vet trying to get home. I stopped and talk to him for about a half hour and during that conversation I found out few things. One was he was a former Special Forces (served in Nam) and that he was a E-8. I asked him what rank that was and he told me Captain. I proceeded to introduce my self as SGT. So and So OIF Vet and called him a piece of shit and told him if he didn't drop his sign he was going to the hospital and I was going to Jail. He Was in his Semi and gone in five min. I hate people like that. I personally know a lot of homeless Vets and you have to force them to let you do anything for them. They don't take handouts. They don't ask for anything. I will only donate to my local VFW or American Legion. I have also driven 5 hrs to leave money in the door of vets I know that need help. no name or anything because most will get you back the money if they know you left it. Ok I will be done now blood pressure is going up lol.
TBG 150 Posted March 19, 2014 Posted March 19, 2014 No need to get the blood pressure up. Just know that you help those in need and expect nothing in return. But what you get is a sound nights sleep knowing there are those that do stand on that wall.
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