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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 40

Guest Slipper Guyquad

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7 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

My post was a lament about what i saw happening at that time only - They weren't talking, Malia was never home, and Leora looked chained to her bed and phone for three days. So it all looked going south for me, and i quit my sub in an instant. 5 days later, not only did i miss rlc, but everything had been sorted and they were back to how they were before."

I'm going to play devil's advocate and pretend that what you say is true: for you to be such a Leora devotee and then cancel your sub and make a huge 180 degree post criticizing their behavior after only THREE days of activity that you deem, let's say odd... that really only confirms that you have a really bad fixation on these women and view them in a unhealthy nature.

Also in your response to Moos you said that "5 days later... everything had been sorted and they were back to how they were" but in your response to me you said "I asked for it to be deleted as the responses were the usual complaints and name calling which wasn't my intention, so i decided to nip it in the bud." Something about that doesn't sit well with me and sounds like there is some truth burying going on. 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

What truth can be hidden in that? I DID cancel, in fact someone else could attest to this. I missed it, so re-subbed. Why is that so hard to believe? And it's not LEORA devotee, it's BOTH, hence why, when they fell out and were not talking, it looked to me AT THE TIME, as if things had turned a corner. i DID NOT do anything other than lament at how things looked awful to me, like Leora was lost in her phone, and no one else there with her. But, no sooner had i done this, i realized i had cut my nose off to spite my face, and in no time things were not only sorted out, they were back to playing with each other - EXACTLY what i like to see! I didn't want my post to be the catalyst to create more name calling etc, that is just my conscience, it's my nature. I react instantly to things then often in the cold light of day regret it, always been this way. I don't like the feeling of being one who has caused trouble, so if i can prevent it, i do. Hence why i did that. 

The fact this has now been brought up weeks and weeks later is disappointing. I was honest then and honest now. But still having to explain myself. Like a naughty schoolboy in front of all the teachers here.

But i'm being backed into a corner here. I don't feel good. Really. this isn't fun. i can;'t say anymore. really. this is horrible.

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13 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

What truth can be hidden in that? I DID cancel, in fact someone else could attest to this. I missed it, so re-subbed. Why is that so hard to believe? And it's not LEORA devotee, it's BOTH, hence why, when they fell out and were not talking, it looked to me AT THE TIME, as if things had turned a corner. i DID NOT do anything other than lament at how things looked awful to me, like Leora was lost in her phone, and no one else there with her. But, no sooner had i done this, i realized i had cut my nose off to spite my face, and in no time things were not only sorted out, they were back to playing with each other - EXACTLY what i like to see! I didn't want my post to be the catalyst to create more name calling etc, that is just my conscience, it's my nature. I don't like the feeling of being one who has caused trouble, so if i can prevent it, i do. Hence why i did that. 

The fact this has now been brought up weeks and weeks later is disappointing. I was honest then and honest now. But still having to explain myself.

But i'm being backed into a corner here. I don't feel good. Really. this isn't fun. i can;'t say anymore. really. this is horrible.

Slip me and Chris have your back and anybody else's  who is pissed of with certain people on this forum I would personally like to meet the people involved who are more than likely wanking over this and must be the only satisfaction they get

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Nel frattempo che voi discutete le ragazze si sono divertite a masturbarsi. 

La verità è che RLC è così, prendere o lasciare (perché tanto RLC le critiche non le accetta, anzi, non le legge proprio). Leora sarà ipocrita ma semplicemente ha visto che se non puoi combatterle (le ragazze di GOV) ti unisci a loro e fai le stesse cose ma in maniera diversa. 

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6 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

 In the meantime that you discuss, the girls have had fun masturbating.

The truth is that RLC is like that, take it or leave it (because RLC doesn't accept criticism, in fact it doesn't read it at all). Leora will be hypocritical but she simply saw that if you can't fight them (GOV girls) you join them and do the same things but in a different way.


It's work, not fun. The probability is high that it's all fake anyway. At least that was always the case with Malia. 🤐

The best thing to do is to simply stop paying for RLC. They are as good as finished anyway.  😂


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